Quinn Nominates Morally Bankrupt Activist to the Human Rights Commission
Quinn Nominates Morally Bankrupt Activist to the Human Rights Commission
Written By Laurie Higgins   |   04.07.11
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Imagine this: A 58-year-old man who has made deviant sexuality the cornerstone of his identity and who has dedicated his professional life to making sure that every woman is permitted by law to have her preborn baby killed has been nominated by Governor Quinn to sit on the “Human Rights Commission.”

After receiving thousands of dollars for his election campaign from openly homosexual, anti-life activist Terry Cosgrove, Quinn has nominated him to sit on the Illinois Human Rights Commission from which Cosgrove can promote even more cultural evil. In addition, many of the lawmakers who are voting on Cosgrove’s nomination received campaign contributions from Cosgrove’s anti-life Personal PAC.

Through his Personal PAC, Cosgrove works unrelentingly to elect lawmakers who will preserve legalized infanticide in law. How darkly ironic that Quinn has nominated someone who fights tenaciously for the rights of fully developed humans to destroy less-developed humans to a commission ostensibly committed to “human rights.” It seems self-evident that the right merely to exist is a right of a higher moral order than some specious “right” to end the life of another human being.

Here’s more on Quinn’s morally bankrupt nominee from Cosgrove’s website:

Terry Cosgrove is the President and CEO of Personal PAC. He along with the Board of Directors, has been instrumental in developing Personal PAC’s sophisticated strategy for electing pro-choice candidates. This strategy incorporates an intensive paid telephone program that has identified nearly ½ million pro-choice voters in Illinois, plus a sophisticated direct mail campaign and comprehensive campaign consulting.

Terry’s campaign consulting is a real plus in implementing Personal PAC’s political strategy. He works closely with numerous candidates to make sure they have the nuts-and-bolts tools to win on election day. Among other things, he assists candidates in selecting pollsters, media consultants, direct mail firms, and paid campaign staffers. He also helps them recruit volunteers, execute fundraising plans, and any other activity necessary to ensure their success. In 1999, Terry became President and CEO of Personal PAC.

Over the past twenty-five years, in addition to his Personal PAC responsibilities, Terry has also managed many political campaigns and has lent assistance to NARAL, Planned Parenthood, NOW, National Pro-Choice Resource Center, Voters for Choice, Women’s Campaign Fund and the Emergency Abortion Loan Fund. In 1992, Terry played a pivotal role in restoring abortion services for poor women at Cook County Hospital, one of the largest public hospitals in the nation. Terry was also honored with the ‘Freedom of Choice’ award by the Chicago Abortion Fund.

Take ACTION: Ask your state senator to oppose the nomination of Terry Cosgrove to the Human Rights Commission.

You can also call your state senator via the Capitol switchboard at (217) 782-2000.

Please take a moment to email and call today!

Laurie Higgins
Laurie Higgins was the Illinois Family Institute’s Cultural Affairs Writer in the fall of 2008 through early 2023. Prior to working for the IFI, Laurie worked full-time for eight years...
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