Defend Marriage Lobby Day — Feb. 20th
Defend Marriage Lobby Day — Feb. 20th
Written By David E. Smith   |   02.11.13
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Join IFI and Illinois families from around the state to take a stand for protecting marriage, religious freedom, parental rights and the innocence of our children! Plan to bring your family and friends AND organize your church to support this lobbying day to defend marriage.  

It is critically important that we have a strong showing because homosexual activists continue to press for counterfeit “marriage” (HB 110 & SB 10), which will affect our children and our religious freedom. It is also critically important that you know the Springfield addresses of your state representative and senator BEFORE arriving at the Capitol so that you can visit them.   CLICK HERE for their addresses.


Wednesday, February 20th
10:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Illinois State Capitol Rotunda
401 South 2nd Street, Springfield, IL  62701 (map)
Download flyer HERE.

Stop at the IFI table in the north hallway right off of
the Rotunda to pick up your buttons and papers.


The chief sponsor of this anti-family legislation, State Representative Gregg Harris (D-Chicago) is on record saying that the new Illinois General Assembly is on a “fast track” to pass legislation to redefine the institution of marriage.

In addition, homosexual activists with the Civil Rights Agenda, Equality Illinois, Stonewall Democrats, Illinois Log Cabin Republicans, and the ACLU of Illinois have been pushing hard for the passage of this anti-marriage bill.

We cannot afford to ignore this situation! Illinois citizens can send a strong message by joining us at the Capitol on February 20th to rally to protect God-ordained marriage in Illinois and to lobby their legislators.  

Over the past few weeks, we have been busy contacting churches in key districts.  Thousands of religious leaders from across the state have responded, voicing their opposition to marriage redefinition to local state lawmakers.

We can stop this legislation despite the “fast track” it may be on.  We should be encouraged by the fact that recently hundreds of thousands of marriage supporters came out to demonstrate their opposition to same-sex “marriage” in Paris, France!  (Watch a YouTube video of it HERE, and read the Reuters report HERE.)

There is strong opposition to same-sex marriage here in Illinois. The establishment media would have us believe that it is only a matter of time — that marriage redefinition is inevitable. It is only inevitable if we fail to speak up and demonstrate our objection to this radical policy! 

If the secular French can see the importance of coming out to defend natural marriage — certainly the Christian community can do it.  And we must!

ACTION: Click HERE to let us know you are coming so we can have some idea of what our attendance will be.

Click HERE for a downloadable flyer for your church.

If you are not able to join us for the Defend Marriage Lobby Day you can still ask your state representative to vote ‘NO’ to HB 110 by >>>clicking HERE<<< to send him/her an email or fax.


Click HERE to make a donation to the Illinois Family Institute.

Help expand our reach by forwarding this email
to like-minded family and friends.

David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes...
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