Hobby Lobby David vs. Empowered Women Goliaths
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.02.14
Following the recent Supreme Court decision in favor of the religious liberty of the owners of Hobby Lobby, there’s been a lot of handwringing, weeping, and gnashing of teeth over a mythical war on women that warrants a closer look....
Business Owners and Pro-Family Leaders Talk About What’s Next Following the Hobby Lobby Decision
By Monte Larrick   |   07.01.14
Illinois faith-run businesses are celebrating the Supreme Court decision that allows for-profit organizations the ability to opt out of the HHS mandate which would force them to pay for insurance plans that offer abortion inducing drugs to their employees. The...
SCOTUS Affirms First Amendment Freedoms!
By David E. Smith   |   06.30.14
This morning, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) handed down a highly anticipated ruling that affirmed First Amendment  protections of religious liberty and freedom of conscience.  In this particular ruling it means that our government does not have...
Hobby Lobby Victory Rally TODAY at NOON at Federal Plaza
By David E. Smith   |   06.30.14
This morning, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) handed down a highly anticipated ruling that affirmed First Amendment  protections of religious liberty and freedom of conscience.  In this particular ruling it means that our government does not have...
SCOTUS Rules in Favor of Hobby Lobby!
By   |   06.30.14
The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruled today that the Christian-run Hobby Lobby doesn’t have to obey the HHS mandate that is a part of Obamacare that requires businesses to pay for abortion causing drugs in their employee...
What to do When Forced to Perform ‘Gay Weddings’
By   |   06.19.14
Churches in Denmark are now compelled, by law, to host same-sex “weddings.” America is next. Tyranny’s appetite is insatiable. The secular-left’s hunger for power and control over its detractors can never be satisfied. To outwardly succumb and affirmatively capitulate to...
We Lose the Country if Enough People Don’t Get in the Fight
By John Biver   |   06.13.14
It’s summer reading list time and if you’re like me, you’re careful in selecting titles because too often the time invested seems wasted — especially when afterwards you can’t remember anything you read. One unforgettable book that’s easy for me...
When the Government Invades God’s Turf
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   06.04.14
Christ’s famous “render unto Caesar that which is Caesars’s and unto God that which is God’s” came out of the Pharisee’s attempt to pit Him against Rome.  Resistance to paying taxes was a punishable crime.  Christ’s words underscored the principle...
Freedom Requires Virtue, Which Requires Faith
To those of you who don’t think religious freedom is that important, I've got a message for you: It isn't. It isn't, that is, if you don’t care about any of your freedoms.
Bible College Bill
The Private College Act, SB 2846 allows church operated Bible Colleges to grant Religious Degrees without being accredited by the Illinois Board of Higher Education.
Global Sharia and Jihad
Every day we find the political ideology known as Islam wreaking havoc, chaos and bloodshed worldwide. The biggest threat to freedom and democracy today may well be coming from this archaic religion. Monitoring the various cases of creeping sharia and stealth jihad is now a full-time job.
By   |   05.17.14
051614What is the state of tolerance of free speech these days? Mozilla co-founder, Brendan Eich resigned under pressure over his support of the campaign to pass a constitutional amendment that outlawed same-sex “marriage” in 2008. Condoleezza Rice declined the invitation...
Dr. Voddie Baucham and the Separation of Church and State
By David E. Smith   |   05.14.14
Dr. Voddie Baucham,  pastor of preaching at Grace Family Baptist Church in Spring, Texas, discusses the often misunderstood idea of the separation of church and state with our good friends at Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF).   The concept of the “wall...
Blind Squirrel Finds a Supreme Court Nut
By   |   05.14.14
While in the vast majority of their constitutionally related writings the Founding Fathers were explicit that the judicial branch of government is effectively the weakest of the three, such is not the case with today’s modern misapplication. Americans currently live...
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