Age Appropriate Doesn’t Mean Banned
By Kenna Rose   |   06.01.23
Nothing opens your mind to new worlds and new possibilities better than a book. Stories can communicate ideas, themes, and lessons considerably better than a lecture does. Children love to act out the stories of their favorite characters, adopting their mannerisms and wishing to be them. You probably can think of a book that has impacted you deeply and maybe even encouraged you to change your behavior in some manner.
Abortion and States’ Rights
By Ecce Verum   |   05.26.23
On May 2, the town of Danville, Illinois became what some have called a "sanctuary city for the unborn." After Planned Parenthood staff announced plans to open an abortion clinic in the town, the city council reacted by narrowly passing an ordinance (8-7), citing a section of federal law that forbids the mailing of abortion paraphernalia.
Woke Intolerance
By Ecce Verum   |   05.09.23
We've all seen the bumper sticker that spells COEXIST by combining the symbols of major world religions in a convenient order. The bumper sticker seems reasonable; after all, isn't it just representing the world as it is—people of many religions all existing side by side in the same space? If that were all the bumper sticker meant, then I might consider putting one on my car; it's an obviously true fact about the world. However, the sticker means much more than that...
Mr. Beast, Chris Tyson, and the Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
By Kenna Rose   |   05.02.23
If you’ve never heard of Jimmy Donaldson, more commonly known by the moniker Mr. Beast, ask your child who he is. He (or she) likely knows. Mr. Beast is a highly popular YouTuber with multiple channels dedicated to various things, such as friendly competitions, gaming, and philanthropy... Chris Tyson is a member of Mr. Beast’s cast of friends. Over the past couple of months, viewers noticed that Tyson has started to look and act differently in videos. The reason why became clear when Tyson revealed on Twitter that he has been going through hormone treatments to try and ‘transition’ into a girl. What makes this even sadder is that Tyson has a wife and son, who now must deal with the inevitable fallout of Tyson’s decision.
Everything Is Not Awesome At Lego
By Kenna Rose   |   04.25.23
Last December, we published an article about how American Girl went woke, pushing gender ideology and the LGBTQ agenda through their dolls and books. Sadly, American Girl isn’t the only generationally beloved toy company to have embraced the way of the world. The latest toy company to have gone full woke is Lego, and as in the case of American Girl, this isn’t a sudden switch.
Population Collapse and the Birthgap Problem
By Kenna Rose   |   04.21.23
For generations now alarm bells have been violently ringing about overpopulation. For decades people have been predicting a population boom that would result in famine, chaos, and war, with too many people vying for too few resources. But as generation after generation has marched on with no sign of any of this, people started to wonder. What if the bells were alarming us of the wrong thing? What if the problem isn’t too many people… but too few?
Secularism or Paganism?
By   |   04.11.23
For the last century, the United States of America has engaged in a great secular experiment: what if we pretended that God was irrelevant? What if we pretended that we could make laws that ignored God? Could the ‘public square’ be a place of free, rational discourse—free from claims about the implications of Christian theism on public life? This pretended neutrality has served to reveal one thing: that the line between secularism and paganism is dangerously thin.
America’s Declining Biblical Worldview
By Ecce Verum   |   04.10.23
I've often heard the term "worldview" compared to a pair of glasses—your worldview is the lens that sits right in front of your spiritual eyes and affects the way you see everything. If your glasses are scratched, the whole world will look scratched. If your glasses are smudged, the whole world will look smudged. And if your glasses are pink-tinted, the whole world will look pink. And so, the best way to deal with someone who insists the world is pink is not to endlessly debate back and forth about any particular object whose color you disagree about, but rather to change out their glasses for a pair that lets them see the world as it really is.
All Who Hate Me Love Death
By   |   04.03.23
In Proverbs 8:36, Lady Wisdom declares that “All who hate me love death.” Those who scorn wisdom, who are wise in their own eyes, are not merely prideful, they have a death wish. Wisdom comes to us in many forms. Principally through God’s Word and his Church, but also through the traditions of our family, culture, and nation (Prov. 6:20, 22:28). When a nation rejects these forms of wisdom, it will be a nation soaked with blood.
LGBT Activist – Youth Will Never Turn Back?
By Ecce Verum   |   03.18.23
Gallup recently released poll results showing that 7.2% of American adults identify as "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or something other than heterosexual." When Gallup first started measuring LGBT statistics in 2012, this number was 3.5%, which means that the LGBT community as a proportion of the U.S. population has doubled over the last ten years.
Defund Planned Parenthood
By Kenna Rose   |   03.03.23
U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) recently introduced H.R. 128, also known as the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2023, to the U.S. House of Representatives. This proposal would restrict the federal funds Planned Parenthood receives for abortion (except in cases of rape or incest or danger to the woman’s life) for one year to redirect $235 million toward community health centers. Currently, 40 representatives have cosponsored the bill.
Academia Strikes Absurdity Again– Surprise!
By Ecce Verum   |   02.27.23
We've already given Stanford's Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative (EHLI) a word or two over their confused categories of "ableist language" and "racist language" but the horse we're beating is not quite dead yet. It's one thing to stigmatize normal phrases because their connotation or origin supposedly evoke offensive topics, as the Stanford harmful language list did with those two categories. It's another thing to stigmatize normal phrases because their grammatical structure evokes insensitivity. But believe it or not, academia at the highest level has managed to do just that with the advent of "person-first language."
Fetus vs. Baby
By Ecce Verum   |   02.23.23
The Associated Press Stylebook, a preeminent reference guide for English grammar and journalistic principles and style—used by both educators and journalists—has chosen some eyebrow-raising guidelines for how reporters ought to address the topic of abortion in their reports. These guidelines show us, on a much more subtle level, how fiddling with words is fiddling with minds. Let's look at one specific example in detail: the difference between "unborn baby" and "fetus."
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Words Matter
By Ecce Verum   |   02.11.23
Why is the Left bound and determined to force us to use their vocabulary? Aren't we all talking about the same things, whether we say "transgenderism" or "gender dysphoria," "homosexual union" or "homosexual marriage," "happy holidays" or "merry Christmas?" Let's take a brief overview of the biblical theology of language, shall we? I think we’ll uncover the very important answer.
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