Anti-Pregnancy Care Center Bill Signed Into Law by Gov. Pritzker
If you keep wondering how bad laws get made in Illinois, SB 1909 is a very good example. Yes, pundits have always compared law-making to sausage-making – a messy and unsavory process. But lawmaking in Illinois has reached a whole new level of butchery as a way to disguise or mask the quality of their work – it is so different from your “normal” backroom deals (which still happen, by the way).
Being Proactive: Abstinence & Marriage
By Kenna Rose   |   07.28.23
The pro-life movement is rightly focused on preventing abortions. Sometimes this leads us to gloss over root causes. But – what is the driving factor behind a lot of abortions? And is there something we can do to address it? Enter Scott Phelps, the Executive Director of A&M Partnerships. His approach to the pro-life battle is entirely different, borne from a desire to do something to “save the babies,” plus a series of curious events (which in my humble opinion, could be taken as the Lord’s direction).
The Frightening Deterioration of Professional Medical Ethics
By Nancy Valko   |   07.26.23
When I went to nursing school in 1967, abortion was illegal in the U.S. and so-called “back alley” abortions were universally condemned.

The American Medical Association was established in 1847 and the “AMA was keen to be taken seriously as a gatekeeper of the medical profession, and abortion services made midwives and other irregular practitioners—so-called quacks—an easy target.”
Abortion Disempowers Women
By Ecce Verum   |   07.25.23
Accessible abortion gives women power, or so they say. As they put it, a baby on the way potentially jeopardizes a woman's professional career or even her social life. In short, if women aren't able to decide when to—excuse the euphemism—"terminate their pregnancies," then they are necessarily reduced to second-class citizens who cannot control their future.
King Manasseh and Mayor Brandon
By Calvin Lindstrom   |   07.21.23
The Old Testament chapter of 2 Kings 21 is dedicated to the most wicked king of Judah/Israel, who was named Manasseh. His father, Hezekiah, had been one of the greatest and most faithful kings. What a horrible reversal in just one generation... I share this history as a sad illustration and comparison to Mayor Brandon Johnson of Chicago....
Stepping Up for The Pro-Life Cause
By Ecce Verum   |   07.17.23
Sometimes you hear of an event, experience a situation, or even meet a person who really convicts you about something, and then you feel you have to tell others about it even though you haven’t mastered it yourself yet. That is just what happened to me in the recent past, so I'm writing this article to myself as much as to you.  
Don’t Plagiarize God
By Ecce Verum   |   07.14.23
In our recent discussion of fatalism contrasted with the biblical worldview, we saw that physical resources are only as good as the theology that wields them. That is, some otherwise wealthy cultures are shackled by fatalist worldviews positing that there is little point in trying to improve anyone’s lot in life—people are irrevocably bound by their social class or by their circumstances. Societies like these might be given the resources to help those in need, but if they fatalistically refuse to help the lowly or distressed, the suffering may very well go on suffering.
How Roe v. Wade Poisoned the Abortion Debate for Fifty Years
Recently, we celebrated one year in a post-Roe America. As we acknowledge this important milestone, it’s worthwhile to look at how a decision handed down by a U.S. Supreme Court Justice still shapes the way our nation thinks about the humanity and rights of the pre-born after five decades — especially since a closer examination of the standard the Court offered reveals it to be capricious and arbitrary at best.
Christianity and Fatalism
By Ecce Verum   |   07.07.23
In articles like these, I, and other writers, tend to focus on the alarming decay of the Christian worldview and value system in the United States. And, since the enemy's attacks on our culture truly are alarming, we are indeed making good use of our time in exposing them. However, it's also important to step back and consider just how much Christianity has influenced—and still persists in influencing—our culture. We still have many blessings to thank the Lord for, and there is still much to defend.
Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death?
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   07.04.23
Kings and others have used the Bible and assumptions based upon narratives in it to support the divine right of monarchs, but their arguments were weak. History is largely the story of governments coming and going, kings and rulers rising and falling. It is a rather bleak narrative and is not complimentary to humanity. It begs the question, “Does the Bible address human government?”
California Redefining Fertility?
By Ecce Verum   |   06.30.23
California is currently in the process of passing a bill that redefines what it means to be fertile. SB 729, approved by the California Senate late last month and now on its way to the Assembly, expands insurance coverage for in vitro fertilization to cover those who fall under their new definition of infertility. And who, you might ask, falls under this definition? Literally everyone.
Mary Miller: Advocate for the Unborn
By Mae Arthur   |   06.27.23
Children don’t exist in the mind of the radical Left...Every one of these is an example of forcing concepts, causes, and irreversible, life-altering decisions upon minds and bodies that are too young to correctly handle, process, or act on them. But since most of the Left believes children are simply miniature adults, this isn’t a problem for them. As a result of this tragic lie, in our nation, childhood gets shorter and shorter with every passing year, with innocence no longer considered a gift to be protected or a value worth upholding.
Womb for Compromise? (Part 2)
If a woman decides to abort her child, but chooses to put the child up for adoption using an artificial womb, does that make it a pro-life decision? A challenging question to be sure. The very kind of issue that...
The Issue of Abortion with Scott Klusendorf
By Kenna Rose   |   06.14.23
Sometimes our pro-life arguments can become overcomplicated by statistics, rabbit-trails, and long rebuttals to straw-man arguments from the other side. We want to defend the pro-life position with everything we can muster, but sometimes it seems like we must have an answer to every argument from a pro-abortionist to properly defend life.
A Hopeful Resolution for Life In Congress
By David Lovi   |   06.13.23
In the midst of so much bad news about our disintegrating culture nowadays, sometimes there is a bright light that appears to cheer us up. This is potentially one of those moments. U.S. Representative Doug Lamborn (R-CO) has introduced a "Life Resolution" declaring that children in the womb are living people who are protected by the 14th Amendment.
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