It’s election time, many Christians will be voting for candidates who are pro-life and support a conservative judiciary. Online voter guide...
The annual 40 Days for Life prayer campaign to end abortion is underway as voters are casting ballots for pro-life and pro-abortion candidates in the midterm elections. Do you believe your vote can make a difference? Do you truly value your right to cast your vote? Know your vote is valuable and your actions in the voting booth should be consistent with your pro-life, pro-family values!
A peaceful way to end abortion. 40 Days for Life brings 24-hour prayer vigils outside abortion centers in Illinois, across the nation, and around the world. Sign up to fill prayer hours at a vigil near you at https://40daysforlife.com/
There’s uncertainty surrounding the future of an Illinois law now that the Supreme Court has ruled against a similar statute in California requiring pro-life pregnancy care centers to inform expecting mothers about the availability of abortions....
Truth is, abortion is not health care. And the truth is the number of taxpayer funded abortions is increasing dramatically in Illinois following Governor Rauner’s signature on House Bill 40....
Euthanasia Not Just Slippery Slope But Ripe for Abuse
By   |   07.30.18
Many euthanasia deaths in Belgium have a cloud of mystery surrounding them with no chance of ever being solved.
Legal Fund: Restore Therapist’s First Amendment Rights!
IFI is asking for help from supporters in moving forward an important lawsuit against the state of Illinois in hopes of overturning the Youth Mental Health Protection Act, which went into effect in 2016. In light of the U.S. Supreme...
While an LGBT history curriculum bill winds it’s way through the General Assembly, parents are deciding how best to educate their children. A leading homeschool advocate is encouraging moms and dads to think Biblically as they make their choices....
While students and teachers every year hold a Day of Silence in solidarity with the LGBTQ agenda; that agenda is silencing licensed counselors as well as Christians who use social media, and it threatens pastors.
Creating the Declaration of Independence
Historian David Shestokas says “the principles that are found nation’s founding documents are not Republican or Democrat.  And rather than divide us, those principles can unite us.
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