Obama’s Classroom Campaign: No Junior Lobbyist Left Behind
by Michelle Malkin – Townhall.com
“ABC” stands for All Barack’s Children. On Sept. 8, young students across the country will be watching television. Yes, they’ll be parked in front of boob tubes and computer screens watching President Obama’s address on...
The Corrupt American Library Association Censors with Carefree Abandon
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.12.09
In the fall of 2008, I wrote two articles describing how absurdly imbalanced public high school book collections are on the topic of homosexuality. I mentioned in those two articles that DeerfieldHigh Schoolhad approximately 65 books that espouse liberal views...
Comprehensive Sex Ed Part II
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.14.09
Those of us who are troubled by both premarital sexual activity and by comprehensive sex education should not abide in a state of willful ignorance or complacency about the problem of how to educate our children about sexuality issues. Far...
Comprehensive Sex Ed: Part I
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.07.09
There is much to ruminate about following the publication of a study that compared the sexual behavior of teens who took virginity pledges with that of teens who did not. The study by Janet Rosenbaum appeared in the Jan. 2009...
Kevin Jennings’ Appointment Must Be Rescinded
Illinois Family Institute is calling for the immediate resignation of Kevin Jennings, the newly appointed Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools. In this position, Jennings would become the second-in-command in the Department of Education. ...
Universal Pre-K Leaves Out Needy Children
by Pete Chagnon – OneNewsNow.com
An educational expert is questioning the need for universal pre-kindergarten. Chester E. Finn is senior fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution and chair of the task force on K-12 education. He is also author of the...
Universal Preschool
By   |   04.02.09
The ghosts of elections’ past are haunting Pennsylvania Avenue. If you’ll remember, it was Illinois’ own fallen Governor Blagojevich who promised Universal Preschool. Likewise, the massive tentacles of the new administration are prying their way into the nation’s playpens, targeting...
‘Bisexual’ Teacher Invites Students to Same-Sex Ceremony
By   |   03.27.09
A self-proclaimed bisexual male teacher in New York has invited his seventh-grade students and their parents to witness his commitment ceremony to another man. The New York Times reports 32-year-old Chance Nalley gave slips of paper to his entire seventh-grade...
IHSA: Private Schools Can’t Pray Before Games
ADF attorneys inform public official that new policy prohibiting prayer over PA systems at private schools is on shaky ground. Alliance Defense Fund attorneys urged the Illinois High School Association in a letter sent Wednesday to terminate its policy banning...
Public Schools Need Competition
by John Piper – DesiringGod.org
J. Gresham Machen saw in 1933 what many are trying to say today about the need for private education. The only way in which a state-controlled school can be kept even relatively healthy is through...
‘God’ — The New Four-Letter Word in Public Schools
By   |   02.26.09
Why is religion taboo in American schools? Christian attorney John Whitehead addresses that question. “God has become THE four-letter word in most public schools in the United States,” says Whitehead, founder of The Rutherford Institute. And he explains in a...
The Propaganda Project
Want to know how to win the culture war? Watch The Laramie Project, a textbook, in dramatic form, of how homosexuals use emotionalism and the media to sway public opinion.
Reformers Needed to Run for Local School Boards
John Biver – ChampionNews.net A few of the headlines on the Drudge Report this morning involve an international discussion over the relative strength of the U.S. and Russia after the events of the past year, Israeli airstrikes on Gaza, and...
Public Schools Change Young Evangelicals’ Values
by Phyllis Schlafly – Eagle Forum Why did 18-to-29-year-old evangelicals vote for Barack Obama despite his apostasy on the fundamental moral issues of abortion and same-sex unions? They voted 32 percent for Obama, twice the percentage of that demographic group...
Christians Called to Mass Exodus from Public Schools
by Pete Chagnon Critics of America’s public school system have launched a new effort highlighting the need for Christians to exit the system. The initiative — dubbed The Call to Dunkirk (video link) — was launched by Dr. Bruce Shortt,...
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