Tag Archives: roe vs. wade

The Alternate World Our Children Want to Live In

In his book, Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business, author Neil Postman describes the growth and outright dominance of the entertainment industry and the all-pervading influence it has had upon American culture. More to the point – the book illustrated how a culture could literally be dumbed down by the type of entertainment it dealt with and consisted of. Equally telling in the author’s mind was how much time was spent viewing and reading material that was as frivolously meaningless as it was sensual and vulgar.
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Loving Children, God’s Little Ones

I have always loved children. Their innocence and utter vulnerability make it impossible for anyone with a heart not to be drawn to them, to love them, and want to protect them. I am confident in declaring that there is not a greater human evil than that of destroying the life of a child! Jesus Christ agreed when He said that it would be better that a person have a millstone hung around their neck and they be cast into the sea than to cause offense (injury) to a child!
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The Higher Law of Nuremberg on Roe

It is an unfortunate fact that very few Americans today are familiar with the principles of common law. If they are familiar with it at all, many assume it to be something akin to the fact that if you live together unmarried for 7 years, you are considered to be legally married. In other words, the idea of law that is unwritten yet practiced.  In truth, there is much more to it than that.  Central to common law is the idea that law can be discovered but not made. This is grounded in the principle of “higher law – the concept that there is a law higher than any government’s law.
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Now More Than Ever

It wasn’t so long ago that such a thing would be unthinkable: a standing ovation for abortion in the New York State Senate chamber with the passage of legislation permitting abortion for any reason up until the moment of birth. Already in New York City, one in three babies are aborted. The bill goes so far as to drop the requirement that doctors perform abortions and decriminalizes acts of violence that result in the deaths of unborn babies. In other words, if an unborn baby dies in the commission of an act of violence against his or her mother, the

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Trump Walks a Tightrope

As President Trump gazed out over his audience in the U.S. House of Representatives chamber of the United States Capitol, he could not fail to notice a prominent block of female Democratic lawmakers seated front and center and dressed in white to symbolize their growing power in the halls of government.  Their presence was a painful reminder to the President that in the 2018 Congressional races female voters preferred Democratic candidates by 19 points, sending a record 106 women to Congress. 
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