Tag Archives: Rex Huppke
PODCAST: Stop the Presses! Columnist Admits He’s Not a Theologian!
Leftist Chicago Tribune columnist Rex Huppke has penned a column on the recently released Nashville Statement titled “150 Evangelicals DENY love for LGBT people.” The Nashville Statement is a critically important and desperately needed document that succinctly affirms theologically orthodox positions on homosexuality, marriage, and the objective goodness and immutability of maleness and femaleness.
The Nashville Statement signatories include these Evangelical luminaries…
Liberal Journalist Gets Marriage, the Bible, and Kim Davis Wrong
If Chicago Tribune columnist and arch-defender of all things sexually deviant, Rex Huppke, had the humility to know that he doesn’t understand the Bible, he might refrain from using it foolishly to mock Christians.
In a column last week, he took a verse from Exodus out of a biblical context which he clearly doesn’t understand in order to ridicule Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis. In this column, he used Exodus 16:12 as the basis for an analogy intended to indict Kim Davis for her act of civil disobedience in refusing to issue marriage licenses with her name on …
Second Shocking Video of Another Planned Parenthood Abortionist
The second secretly-recorded Planned Parenthood video is out, and like the first, it reveals that Planned Parenthood is staffed by Josef Mengele wannabe’s.
In this mindboggling video, Dr. Mary Gatter, president of Planned Parenthood’s Medical Directors Council, negotiates compensation for preborn baby body parts:
While discussing the possibility of manipulating abortion procedures to increase the likelihood of preserving babies’ bodies intact, the cold, calculating, conscience-less abortionist Gatter makes this stunning comment:
…If we want to pursue this mutually, I’ll mention this to Ian [the abortionist in the facility Gatter runs in Pasadena] in terms of how he feels