Tag Archives: Peggy McIntosh
Recent Election Proves Social Issues Are Not the Third Rail
If we learned anything from the recent midterm elections—and we should have learned a lot—it should be that the “social issues” are not the third rail of politics. The claim that it is the third rail is a manipulative and self-fulfilling lie told ad nauseum by RINOs who are so foolish they don’t understand that the social issues are essential for the health of any society.
Posted in Federal
Tagged Bell Hooks, Critical Race Theory, Dave Rubin, Derrick Bell, Guy Benson, Henry Giroux, Herbert Marcuse, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Paulo Freire, Peggy McIntosh, Peter McLaren, Richard Delgado, Social Issues, Tammy Bruce
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Fomenting Racism in the 21st Century
The ideology of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and other “social justice” organizations teaches that all whites are racist oppressors, thereby justifying verbal attacks on people who are deemed inveterate racists and justifying riots to destroy everything that has emerged from an allegedly irremediable racist system. In promoting an explicitly racist ideology, BLM and other “social justice” organizations institutionalize racism, the fruits of which we are still suffering.
Posted in Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture
Tagged 1619 Project, America, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Dan Cathy, Glenn Singleton, Howard Zinn, Kyle Smith, Nikole Hannah-Jones, oppressed, Peggy McIntosh, Police, racist, riots, Robin DiAngelo, Shaun King, victims
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Is White Privilege merely “Fake News?”
Your college-bound son or daughter has a new obstacle to overcome in learning to be both an educated and wise young adult. Teaching White Privilege is now all the rage. Many universities have mandatory classes on it. Some even extend the indoctrination into the dormitories. Only youth with strong character will survive the experience without being warped.
Before exposing our youth to these arguments we are wise to scout ahead, to see what sort of trouble lies ahead. What is White Privilege, and what does it have to say about racism? Does God teach us anything about this? And …
Posted in Education
Tagged Peggy McIntosh, Theodore William Allen, W.E.B. DuBois
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