Tag Archives: Illinois Human Rights Commission

Look What’s in Store for Public School Students in Illinois–YIKES!

Illinoisans shouldn’t need a reminder of how committed Illinois politicians are to using tax dollars and government schools to indoctrinate other people’s children, but Governor J.B. Pritzker just gave them one last Friday when he signed the “LGBTQ” school indoctrination bill into law. This law, which takes effect in July 2020, requires that all children ages 5-18 in public schools be taught about the deviant sexual proclivities of men and women who have made some significant cultural contributions. Well, not all deviant sexual proclivities are included. Only the deviant sexual proclivities currently and publicly approved by homosexuals and cross-sex pretenders will be included—for now.
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Illinois Human Rights Commission Mandates Co-Ed Locker Rooms in Public Schools

The ideological and moral idiocy of “woke” Americans has not yet reached its nadir, but it’s getting close. A complaint was filed with the Illinois Human Rights Commission by a female minor who pretends to be a boy and her parents, Tracy and Michael Yates. She alleged that she was discriminated against based on her “gender identity” when Lake High School District 108 in Roselle, Illinois required her to...
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PODCAST: Illinois Human Rights Commission Mandates Co-Ed Locker Rooms in Public Schools

The ideological and moral idiocy of “woke” Americans has not yet reached its nadir, but it’s getting close. A complaint was filed with the Illinois Human Rights Commission by a female minor who pretends to be a boy and her parents, Tracy and Michael Yates. She alleged that she was discriminated against based on her “gender identity” when Lake High School District 108 in Roselle, Illinois required her to…

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Encroaching Tyranny

Outrageous!  The Illinois Human Rights Commission has issued a decision in which they fined a Christian business-owner $80,000 for refusing to violate his conscience regarding hosting a same-sex ceremony. And to make matters worse, they are mandating that this Christian citizen offer to do the very thing he doesn’t want to do.

This is the epitome of tyranny.

Do we understand what is happening here? This bigoted decision is the latest strike in the war against religious liberty. Intolerant lawmakers and bureaucrats are now using the heavy hand of government to force citizens to act in accordance with a decidedly …

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UPDATE: Christian B&B Case Not Over

Initial press reports suggested that the case against the Christian owner of the Timber Creek Bed and Breakfast in Paxton, Illinois, Jim Walder, was settled. The Illinois Human Rights Commission has clarified that administrative law judge Michael R. Robinson’s decision that Jim Walder should pay an $80,000 fine and be required to offer his facility to a homosexual couple to celebrate their civil union can be appealed by filing “exceptions.”

Either party to the suit has 30 days to file exceptions. If they file exceptions, the case goes before a panel. If no exceptions are filed, the recommendations made …

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