Tag Archives: Human Rights Campaign

Do 66,000 Pediatricians Really Support the AAP’s “Trans”-Affirmative Policy?

I've read umpteen times that the 66,000-member American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) supports the use of opposite-sex restrooms and locker rooms in schools by gender-dysphoric students. Wowzer! 66,000? That’s a lot of pediatricians. A few weeks ago I got to ruminating on that mind-boggling claim. It seemed implausible that all 66,000 pediatricians could believe something so radical. So, I set off on a quest to dig into this claim, and what I learned is surprising.
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Top U.S. Security Official Makes Speech on … the LGBT Agenda?

Last week, the Obama administration enacted a rule that prohibits the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) from contracting with groups that engage in “discrimination” against people who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.
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Christian Physicians Join the Emerging Transgender Debate

Suddenly transgender rights is the hot “culture wars” topic. Religious folks with traditional convictions about such matters have been largely silent, or else many newswriters haven’t yet figured how to locate them in order to report the other side of this crucial debate.
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We Can Absolutely Turn the Tide

For some time now I’ve been saying that gay activists will overplay their hand and that the bullying will backfire. I’ve also said that we can outlast the gay revolution and ultimately, by God’s grace, turn the moral tide in America.

Of course, to speak like that is to invite all kinds of scorn and ridicule, not to mention the ugliest death wishes you could imagine. How dare we not roll over and die!

But events from the last 10 days remind us that, even though the cultural battles promise to be long and difficult, many Americans are ready …

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Should the Government Force Some Religious Americans to Violate Their Beliefs About Marriage?

Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in favor of gay marriage, a question arises: Should we protect the rights of Orthodox Jews, Roman Catholics, Evangelical Christians, Latter-Day Saints and Muslims who believe that marriage is a union of husband and wife? Two bills recently introduced in Congress show diverging answers. One seeks to promote tolerance and peaceful coexistence; the other adds fuel to a culture war by treating that traditional belief as racism.
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Consumers 140xs More Likely to Buy from Liberal-Sponsoring Corporations

Whether you’re going out for a pizza, a coffee, a grocery run, a tank of gas or a washer and dryer, chances are more than 142 times greater that your hard-earned dollars are lining the pockets of your favorite corporations that are funding liberal, anti-family organizations and activities.

Krispy Kreme or Dunkin Donuts? A VW or a Toyota? Carl’s Jr. or McDonald’s? A Coke or a Dr. Pepper? Lowes or Home Depot? Whatever you purchase, your dollars are more than likely going to liberal or conservative causes … and most likely the former.

2ndVote has just unleashed a multi-faceted scoring …

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HRC Founder Arrested for Raping 15-Year-Old Boy

Yet another high profile “gay” activist has been arrested for homosexual assault on a child. This time authorities caught one of the big fish (a rainbow trout?). Terrance Patrick Bean founded the “Human Rights Campaign” (HRC), which is one of the world’s largest, wealthiest and most powerful anti-Christian organizations. To this day he remains on the board of directors. HRC was developed for the sole purpose of pushing the extremist homosexual political agenda. Bean is also a major player for the DNC and a big Obama supporter.

The Oregonian reports:

Detectives from the Portland police Sex Crimes Unit

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Duck Dynasty, Gay Activism, and the Clash of 2 Cultures

You knew it would happen sooner or later. An outspoken, wildly popular, conservative Christian who doesn’t give a hoot—or in this case, a quack—about political correctness would air his views about homosexuality, and overnight, Hollywood hell would break loose.

To catch you up on the latest events, earlier this week, the text of Phil Robertson’s interview with GQ Magazine was released online, containing controversial comments about homosexual practice, among other things. (For those who have been living under a rock, Phil Robertson is the patriarch of the Duck Dynasty clan, and he is a self-proclaimed “Bible thumper.”)

Shortly after the …

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Jim Wallis, You Have Betrayed the Word of God and the People of God

Rev. Wallis, you told us in 2008 that “the sacrament of marriage” should not be changed and that “marriage is all through the Bible, and it’s not gender-neutral.” Now, in 2013, you want to redefine marriage and make it gender-neutral. In doing so, you have betrayed the Word of God and the people of God.

To be candid, sir, I’m not surprised by your theological flip-flop—just pained and distressed by it, since your name is still associated with evangelical Christianity in America and you are a prominent church leader.

In the past, you raised some valid criticisms about the “religious …

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Boy Scouts Snubbed by UPS

United Parcel Service has announced that they are suspending all funding to the Boy Scouts of America because of the organizations’s requirement that Scouts and their leaders be “morally straight.”  
UPS says it will end its annual grants to the Boy Scouts until homosexual Scout leaders “are welcome within the organization.” The UPS Foundation gave $85,000 to the Boy Scouts last year.

“We promote an environment of diversity and inclusion,” says UPS spokeswoman Kristen Petrella. “UPS is a company that does the right things for the right reason.”  Ironically, failure to exclude morally flawed leaders may cost the Boy

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Cardinal Francis George Comments on Homosexual Pride Parade

Organizers of Chicago’s annual celebration of sexual deviancy, oxymoronically named the Chicago “Gay Pride” Parade, decided to change the parade route and time for the 2012 parade. This change would have resulted in the disruption or cancellation of the 10:00 a.m. mass at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church.

On FOX Chicago SundayMike Flannery and Dane Plancko asked Cardinal Francis George how he felt about this. Cardinal George expressed his hope that the “gay liberation movement” would not “morph into something like the Ku Klux Klan, demonstrating in the streets against Catholicism.” Dane Plancko followed up by suggesting …

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Federal Government Loves Homosexuality

Some may remember the scene from the film Moonstruck in which Cher slaps Nicholas Cage upside the head and yells “Snap out of it.” Somebody better slap the conservative community upside its collective head before the federal government spends all its time cooing at homosexuality.

Recently, the lovestruck Department of Justice, White House, and Congress have wasted valuable time and public resources servicing homosexual activists via a White House conference, a Department of Justice video, and three proposed bills.

Last week, President Barack Obama held an “anti-bullying” (nudge nudge, wink wink) conference at the White House to which he invited …

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“No Name-Calling Week”: More Indoctrination from GLSEN

There are approximately 180 days in a typical school year, and it appears that homosexual activists and their ideological compatriots would like to spend part of each and every one on homosexual indoctrination.

We’ve got the Day of Silence, which is sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN); Spirit Day sponsored by Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD); Ally Weeksponsored by GLSEN; National Coming Out Day sponsored by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC); the Transgender Day of Remembrance sponsored by the HRC; and GLBT History Month, which is endorsed by virtually every homosexuality-affirming organization. …

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Presidential Proclamation on Father’s Day Recognizes 2 Fathers as “Family?”

President Barack Obama is sold out to the radical homosexual agenda. One needs no more proof than his most recent pro-homosexual gesture, recognizing homosexual partners raising children in the official White House Proclamation on Father’s Day:

Nurturing families come in many forms, and children may be raised by a father and mother, a single father, two fathers, a step father, a grandfather, or caring guardian.

Yes, you read that right. The President of the United States of America went out of his way to pander to the homosexual community by recognizing two-daddy homes (read motherless) on Father’s Day.

What …

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