Tag Archives: Generation Z

What to do with Generation Z

Much of Generation Z is heading into adulthood, and we’re realizing that being an adult is hard, a bit scary, and often unenjoyable. Anxiety and fear are incredibly high among Gen Z-ers, also known as Zoomers. I saw an article last month reporting that 86% of Generation Z has “menu anxiety,” or overwhelming anxiety about eating out. Another article published in November reports that Gen Z is having difficulty adjusting to the demands of a 9-5 work week.
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Gen Z is 74% More Likely to Homeschool

Members of Generation Z are almost twice as likely as previous generations to want to educate their children at home, according to explosive new polling data... Interest in homeschooling has been soaring for decades now following a brief period in human history when governments sometimes forced parents to hand their children over for “education.” But the latest numbers from Generation Z is shocking analysts.
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Chuck Schumer Laments Lack of Workers, Calls for Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants

Left-wing Democrat U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer rallied with Dreamers last week claiming that mass immigration is vital for the survival of the U.S. because not enough Americans are having children. Therefore, Schumer announced, Democrats' "ultimate goal" is to create "a path to citizenship for all 11 million" illegal immigrants in the country.
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Preparing Gen Z to be Lights in a Dark World

Pew Research recently released a report on an accelerating trend in the U.S. — adults who were raised in Christian homes and who formerly described themselves as Christian leaving the Christian faith and joining the growing number of religious “nones.” According to Pew, nearly a third of those raised Christian describe themselves as “nothing in particular” as adults. This trend is expected to continue in the next few decades.
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New Study Reveals the Startling Rise of Gen Zers Identifying as LGBTQ

Earlier this year, a Gallup poll announced that one in six Gen Zers identify as LGBT. That was a significantly higher number than ever reported in any previous years. Then, last month, a new survey released by Arizona Christian University reported that about 39 percent of 18 to 24-year-olds claim the label.
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“Intentional Childlessness” on the Rise

“I never expected to be the poster child for sterilization,” Rachel Daimond told Suzy Weiss in a recent article titled, “First Comes Love, Then Comes Sterilization” focusing on a troubling trend among American young adults. For several months, Diamond has been using social media, especially Tick Tock, to document her decision to undergo sterilization to guarantee that she would never have children. Diamond, like a growing number of young adults, is part of the “intentionally child free” or anti-natalist movement.
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Post-Christian America Needs Radical Help STAT

America’s founders believed in God and His word, and predicated our founding documents on those immutable, biblical principles.

Though Leftists love to spout revisionist nonsense about many of the Founders being deists or worse, those accusations don’t hold water when faced with the weight of those early patriots’ own words and actions.

Thomas Jefferson, often upheld as vying for the least religious spot amongst the Founders, wrote:

I am a real Christian – that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus Christ.1

And Jefferson’s worship habits speak even louder:

Many people are surprised to learn that

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