Tag Archives: Gender Identity Disorder
Public Servants?
LGBT Activists’ Comical Rhetorical Ingenuity and Conversion Therapy Bans
The Left believes minors should be able to access medical help in rejecting their unchosen, unwanted physical embodiment but then wants to prohibit minors from accessing medical help in rejecting their unchosen, unwanted same-sex attraction. So, how do “LGBTQIAAP” activists reconcile yet another of their incoherent propositions and ironies? They just make up some novel terms that embody queer (pun intended) ideas.
Every time the incoherence or fallaciousness of their arguments is exposed, they frantically invent a new theory and a new term to advance their irrational agenda. Just keep dangling dazzling neologisms in front of the public’s blurry eyes …
Psychiatry Expert: ‘Scientifically There Is No Such Thing As Transgender’
Sun Times Beacon-News, East Aurora High School, and Hemant Mehta
On Wednesday, Erika Wurst, reporter for the Sun Times Beacon-News wrote an article about East Aurora High School’s recently adopted policy on gender confusion. In it Wurst quoted a “suburban high school math teacher” who blogged favorably about the policy, but curiously, she didn’t provide his name. His name is Hemant Mehta, also known as “the Friendly Atheist.” Although I am loathe to send anyone to his blog, I think readers deserved to know who exactly the math teacher is whom Wurst quoted. Knowing who he is puts his comments in the proper perspective.
If you spend any …
Great News from East Aurora High School
Thursday evening, ABC News reported that the East Aurora High School Board of Education had already decided to rescind the misguided policy on gender confusion that it had adopted on Monday evening. The board is scheduled to meet on Friday afternoon to have the formal vote. Let’s hope and pray that the board is able to stand firm even in the face of opposition by liberal activists who are planning to attend the board meeting.
IFI wants to thank every Illinoisan who contacted members of the East Aurora High School Board of Education to express his or her opposition to …
AP Reports that Sex-Change Treatment For Children Are On The Rise
The Chicago Tribune published an article by Associated Press medical writer Lindsey Tanner which states that a growing number of teenagers and even younger children “who think they were born the wrong sex” are finding doctors willing to give them “sex-changing treatments.” Tanner says the issue “raises ethical questions.”
Tanner tells the story of an 8-year-old girl in L.A. who at 18 months announced “I a boy.” Her parents parents now refer to her as a boy and are “watching for the first signs of puberty.” The child’s mother says that when “he” was told he could get shots to …
Hillary Clinton’s “Human Rights Day” Speech
On Dec. 6, 2011 Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivered a speech in honor of International Human Rights Day which is celebrated on Dec. 10, the date in 1948 when the United Nations formally adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. But as we should have expected from a representative of the fervently pro-perversion Obama Administration, Clinton used the occasion to promulgate unproven, liberal assumptions about homosexuality and Gender Identity Disorder (GID).
With the usual cunning of the Left, Clinton begins her speech by referring to the “beating, terrorizing, and executing” of homosexuals, but then with some skillful bait-and-switch rhetoric, …