Tag Archives: Charles Spurgeon

Why We Must Pray Now

In a world where so many of the challenges in our state, our nation, and our world seem insurmountable, where should we start? In a world where many of our neighbors and even some self-professing Christians believe prayers are useless and the only thing that counts is “good deeds,” how should we as Christians respond?
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Cowardice and the Neutering of America

The great evil in America for over two centuries was slavery and its ugly aftermath. Too many Christians for too long stood passive as Satan attacked the humanity of African Americans. Too few had the courage to do what Wheaton College founder, pastor, and tenacious abolitionist Jonathan Blanchard did. Here is but one example:

During their trip from Cincinnati to Galesburg, in order to observe the Sabbath as a day of rest, the Blanchard family took lodgings in a hotel in slave territory. On that Sabbath morning, just before breakfast, out in the back yard of the hotel, a slave

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Neutralize COVID-19 Hysteria With Faith and Kindness Toward Neighbors

Ray Comfort, in his book “Spurgeon Gold: Pure and Refined,” describes Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the 19th-century preacher who ministered in the streets of London during the cholera pandemic of 1854. Spurgeon’s words, says Mr. Comfort, were pure and refined. They were rhetorical and theological gold. Spurgeon, “had the ability to take the hammer of eloquence and nail a particular truth, to pull back the veil of the eternal and give us a fleeting glance.”
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The Effects Of A Lukewarm Church

The great preacher of yesteryear, Charles Spurgeon, once said, “I do not think he [the devil] cares how many Baptist chapels you build, nor how many churches you open, if you have only lukewarm preachers and people in them.” 

Lukewarm Christians are believers who may attend Church, but aren’t completely sold out for Jesus.  They may say all the right “Christian buzzwords,” but aren’t fully committed to the Lordship of Christ.  They have one foot in the Church and the other in the world. They are “lukewarm.”

In the book of Haggai, God confronts the misplaced priorities of the …

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