Tag Archives: Addiction

Daily Marijuana Use Is Outpacing Alcohol Consumption

In 2022, there were 17.7 million people in the United States who reported using marijuana either every day or nearly every day, which marks the first time in nearly three decades that daily marijuana use has surpassed daily alcohol use.
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TruPlay– A Christian Alternative to Children’s Entertainment

Online games and videos are popular in today’s day and age, and many of these games are marketed towards children. YouTube Kids, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and the PlayStation 5 are common platforms that children use to access online games and entertainment.
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The Reality of Social Media: Part 1

Everyone knows social media has negative effects. It’s the topic of countless articles, films have been made on it, people constantly discuss it, and it’s generally considered a bipartisan issue. Warning cries about social media have been sounded so often that they have become background music, even though it isn’t even 50 years old.
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Blue State Regrets

Support for drug decriminalization is waning among blue state residents as overdose rates, crime and homelessness continue to increase, a recent survey found.
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Former Drug Addict Opposes Marijuana Legalization [VIDEO]

If anyone still thinks marijuana is a harmless drug, Theodore Jones’ testimony proves otherwise. Jones, a substance abuse counselor and manager at Pacific Garden Mission and a “former recovering drug addict,” found physical and spiritual salvation through the ministry of PGM.
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Medical Doctor from Peoria Opposes Legal Pot

Many people advocate for the legalization of marijuana from a position of bias, but Dr. Raymond Bertino opposes legalization on the basis of truth – medical facts and economics realities that expose the lies of recreational pot proponents.
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Addiction: Big Marijuana Targeting Children

Illinois' senior U.S. Senator, Dick Durbin, recently introduced legislation in Washington, D.C. to crack down on flavored tobacco in e-cigarettes. He believes Big Tobacco is marketing to children with flavors like cake batter, whipped cream and gummy bears. As a mother and grandmother, I applaud his efforts. But there’s another industry targeting kids right under our adult noses - Big Marijuana.
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Connected? Big Government, Labor Decline and Opioid Addiction

There is a great deal of talk about America’s opioid crisis and what can be done about such drugs.  This has led to a focus on narcotic painkillers.  In reality, America has an addiction problem.  “What might be some of the factors leading to such addictions?” is a slightly different twist to a lot of the attention placed upon the types of drugs being abused.  Could certain trends be connected to this dependent behavior?

In 1960, only 3 percent of men in their prime were not in the U.S. labor force.  Today, that number has risen to 11 percent.   …

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The Multiple Harms of Marijuana for Youth

Federal Law in the United States has prohibited the manufacture, sale, and distribution of marijuana for more than 70 years. However, with the discovery of potential medicinal properties of marijuana and the increasing misperception that the drug is harmless, there have arisen increased efforts to achieve its broad legalization despite persistent problems of abuse.
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