Pro-Life Action Alert Bulletin Inserts
Pro-Life Action Alert Bulletin Inserts
Written By David E. Smith   |   05.06.15
Reading Time: 2 minutes

As you know, pro-abortion forces are working overtime in Springfield trying to pass troubling legislation to expand abortion services in Illinois.  Their goal is to get these anti-life proposals passed in the Illinois House this month.  Our goal is to make sure they never reach the 60 votes they need to pass these bills — but we need your help.

SB 1564 would diminish rights of conscience by requiring pro-life doctors to refer abortion-minded patients to abortion providers. According to the Christian Medical & Dental Associations, 95 percent of physicians would quit their practice rather than violate their conscience. (Read more here.)

HB 4013 would reverse current state law that prohibits taxpayer funding for abortions.  If this bill passes, your tax dollars will be used to pay for abortions for Medicaid recipients and state employees in their government health care plans. (Read more here.)

Bulletin Insert:  Ask your pastor to share this new bulletin insert with your congregation.  The body of Christ and people of faith must speak out now.

Take ACTION:  Call your Illinois state representative this week and urge him/her to vote NO on SB 1564 and HB 4013.  The Capitol switchboard  is (217) 782-2000. Ask them to uphold the Illinois ban on tax dollars for abortion and the rights of conscience for health care personnel.

More ACTION:  Contact your like-minded family and neighbors and let them know that they should speak out against these radical proposals. Also, post your opinions on Facebook and Twitter.

Calls, visits and emails to state lawmakers are necessary if we hope to stop these two abortion bills.

Call to Action Bulletin Insert

I hope you find this material helpful to you and to the members of your church. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

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David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes...
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