IFI Prayer Team Update
IFI Prayer Team Update
Written By Kathy Valente   |   09.30.13
Reading Time: 2 minutes

“The prayer power has never been tried to its full capacity. If we want to see mighty works of Divine power and grace wrought in the place of weakness, failure and disappointment, let us answer God’s standing challenge, ‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”
~ Hudson Taylor ~

Praise God for holding back the same-sex marriage bill!  Reports indicate that it continues to lack the 60 votes needed.

Pray that the church would engage the culture on the topic of same-sex “marriage”. If the church fails to participate, the movement to restrict the church’s ability to proclaim Truth to the darkening culture will grow.

Pray for the 3 openly homosexual House sponsors of the same-sex marriage bill. (Deb Mell, the 4th sponsor, has stepped down as state representative to take a position with the Chicago City Council.) Pray that they would meet the Redeemer of souls.

Representative Kelly M. Cassidy (D)

14th District

Representative Greg Harris (D)

13th District

Representative Sam Yingling

62nd District

Pray that many would turn out for Defend Marriage Lobby Day on October 23rd and stand united in support of marriage as defined by God – one man and one woman.

Pray that God would multiply the efforts of IFI staff and volunteers.

Pray that the pastors and church leaders who have attended the many IFI pastors’ events would go back to their churches and teach God’s purpose for marriage.

Pray also for these Illinois lawmakers.

Senator Mattie Hunter (D)

3 District

Representative Kenneth Dunkin (D)

5th District

Representative Esther Golar

6th District


Kathy Valente
Kathy joined the IFI team as our Director of Operations in 2008. Previously, Kathy was the state director for Concerned Women for America for 4 years. But even before that,...
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