Articles by Andrew Willis
Two Important Life Affirming Events in 2015
By Andrew Willis   |   12.22.14
This upcoming January will mark the 42nd anniversary of the fateful Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion throughout the United States. To help continue the fight for the unborn, the Illinois Family Institute is proud to sponsor two fantastic...
Kellogg’s Reveals Its True Stripes
By Andrew Willis   |   11.12.14
In a not so “GRRREAT” move, Kellogg’s becomes the latest major corporation to show its true stripes and come out in support of the LGBTQ agenda. According to the,  an advertisement featuring Frosted Flakes icon Tony the Tiger was...
Voting Information
By Andrew Willis   |   09.11.14
IFI Voter Guide The full online version of the IFI 2014 General Election Voter Guide is available for download HERE.  (HAGA CLIC AQUÍ PARA ESPAÑOL) For localized versions of the voter guide based on congressional district, CLICK HERE. For Ballot...
Online Voting Registration Comes to Illinois!
By Andrew Willis   |   09.10.14
Did you know that it is now possible to register to vote online in Illinois? Add to this the recent expansions in early voting, it is now easier than ever for citizens to fulfill their civic responsibility. Voter Registration Deadline is October 7th
New York Farmers Fined $13,000 for Declining to Hold Same Sex “Marriage”
By Andrew Willis   |   08.19.14
The war against business owners who do not wish to violate their deeply held beliefs continues.  Judeo-Christian values will not be tolerated by the Left as they relentlessly push for the acceptance same-sex “marriage.” The operators of a popular agro-tourism...
September 19th Will Be An Inspiring Night
By Andrew Willis   |   08.03.14
I’m not the one usually writing to you, but Dave asked if I would share with you this week. We are all very aware of the many troubles that our nation and culture are facing, yet it is generally agreed...
Bill to Reverse Hobby Lobby Decision Fails Despite Senator Kirk’s Support
By Andrew Willis   |   07.17.14
On Wednesday the bipartisan initiative to overturn the Supreme Court’s recent Hobby Lobby decision fell short of the 60 votes needed to pass the U.S. Senate by a vote of 56-43. U.S. Senator Mark Kirk was one of three Republican...
No Taxation without Moderation
By Andrew Willis   |   05.21.14
We’re all familiar with the old adage that the only two things certain in life are death and taxes. Yet, one major difference between the two is that for death, there are never any increases per capita and everyone has a flat rate. That certainly can’t be said for the taxes, particularly in Illinois.
The Testimony of Raleigh Mayberry Jr.
By Andrew Willis   |   12.10.13
In 2 Corinthians 5:17, the Apostle Paul teaches us that “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”
Marriage Redefinition Passes in the House
By Andrew Willis   |   11.05.13
Sixty-one state representatives in the Illinois House cave in to pressure from Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) and the LGBTQ lobby.
Hundreds Rally in Downers Grove and Elsewhere to Support Natural Marriage
By Andrew Willis   |   05.07.13
On Saturday, May 4, an estimated three hundred people gathered in front Representative Ron Sandack’s district office in Downers Grove to express their support for God's definition of marriage. Sandack is one of two Republicans in the Illinois House of Representatives who have broken with their party to support “marriage” between same-sex couples.
Andrew Willis
Andrew Willis

Andrew is a Chicago-based attorney, working in corporate and wealth-planning matters. He graduated with honors from the Chicago-Kent College of Law where he was here he served as an Executive Articles Editor for the Chicago-Kent Law Review, and was president of the Federalist Society and Christian Legal Society Student Chapters. He has litigated free speech and religious liberty cases in state and Federal courts, and is an Alliance Defending Freedom Allied Attorney.

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