All Articles : Page 47
Trivializing Trauma
By Thomas Hampson   |   06.19.23
Over the last several years there has been a growing movement to normalize pedophilia. In fact, using the term, pedophile, is beginning to be seen as outmoded. Instead we are being urged to use “minor attracted person.” I expect it will not be long until we will be required to add MAP to the already cumbersome 2SLGBTQQAI+.
Encouragement for Stressed-Out Fathers
Ask a man how he is doing and frequently the answer will come back, “Stressed!” Our lives are filled with all kinds of pressures that can easily produce anxiety. Fathers are especially vulnerable to anxiety and worry. Amy and I have been blessed with seven children, and one grandchild. The eldest two are married, and the next two are in college. I find the pre-college time, the high school “launch years” to be especially stressful.
Perverted University Sex Institute With Child-Abuse Legacy FINALLY Defunded
By Alex Newman   |   06.16.23
After years of growing public pressure and scandal, Indiana lawmakers finally defunded an institute for “sex research” at Indiana University founded by and named after infamous pervert and sex maniac Alfred Kinsey. Critics of Kinsey’s horrific perversion and his legacy of “scientific” child sexual abuse celebrated the news, while perverts and leftists whined about it.
St. Louis Pride Parade
By Ecce Verum   |   06.16.23
The city of St. Louis takes great delight in its "Pride" events. Every year, the midwestern metropolis hosts a "PrideFest," which has been dubbed one of the city's "signature events." As it attempts to draw awareness and support to the "historically marginalized" LGBTQQIA+ community, the fest is set to feature locally, nationally and internationally recognized performers, dancing and music, and a sizable collection of vendors, etc. explains, "it's a time when we can celebrate, support and uplift each other."
The Orchard and Mayor Hayes: Is It Other Churches’ Business?
By Calvin Lindstrom   |   06.15.23
As was mentioned in a previous article, in 2021 perversion activists were successful in pressuring several local governments to either fly the perverted pride flag in June or pressure city councils to pass a Pride Resolution for the month of June. For three years the Arlington Heights city council has passed a resolution declaring June to be Pride Month. These resolutions have been signed by Mayor Tom Hayes who is a member in good standing of The Orchard Evangelical Free Church.
The Evil Lurking Behind the Veil
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   06.15.23
Propaganda has rather negative connotations. Because it is generally used in pursuit of an agenda, truth may be irrelevant or even an obstacle. Whether you agree with the terminology, it is considered propaganda when a country prepares its citizens and military for war. Because it is not generally acceptable to want to kill another person, the military mostly trains its soldiers to hate the enemy.
Society V. Nature
By Micah Clark   |   06.14.23
There is a research article from a professor of sociology and family studies, writing for the Institute for Family Studies, that looks at the social contagion of the LGBT movement. Professor Nicholas Wolfinger investigated the National Survey of Family Growth regarding sexual identity. As you may know, the percentage of people who identity with the LGBTQIA+ movement is growing, particularly among the young, but there is perhaps an overstatement within these numbers.
The Issue of Abortion with Scott Klusendorf
By Kenna Rose   |   06.14.23
Sometimes our pro-life arguments can become overcomplicated by statistics, rabbit-trails, and long rebuttals to straw-man arguments from the other side. We want to defend the pro-life position with everything we can muster, but sometimes it seems like we must have an answer to every argument from a pro-abortionist to properly defend life.
A Hopeful Resolution for Life In Congress
By David Lovi   |   06.13.23
In the midst of so much bad news about our disintegrating culture nowadays, sometimes there is a bright light that appears to cheer us up. This is potentially one of those moments. U.S. Representative Doug Lamborn (R-CO) has introduced a "Life Resolution" declaring that children in the womb are living people who are protected by the 14th Amendment.
The Rainbow Belongs to God
In 2019, the Lord put it on my heart to post a billboard in Springfield with a Biblical response to the day’s changing moral conditions and cultural issues. The idea of a billboard stating “The Rainbow Belongs to God” was inspired by Genesis 9... In recent years, we have seen in our nation a movement to use the rainbow as a banner of pride when in fact, it represents something God forbids. Our society may have redefined marriage and gender, but God has not.
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