It is hard to believe, but in this General Assembly session, State Senators Linda Holmes (D-Aurora) and Laura Fine (D-Glenview) have introduced legislation to legalize assisted suicide in Illinois (SB 3499). At the same time, their colleague, State Senator Mike Simmons (D-Chicago), has sponsored legislation (SB 3792) to make it illegal for animal shelters to euthanize dogs and cats.
Over the decades, my family and I have welcomed into our homes four shelter dogs. We understand the compassionate side of animal rescue. What we do not understand is why that compassion doesn’t extend to human life; from innocent human beings growing in the womb to the elderly who might need our attention and care. Moreover, isn’t the sanctity of human life infinitely more important than domesticated critters?
It seems to me that certain Illinois lawmakers are infatuated with killing off human beings. From womb to tomb, nobody is safe. Canines and felines deserve special protection, but those made in the image and likeness of Almighty God merit not even an iota of protection. Could our priorities as a culture be any more harmful and regressive?
You and I believe that the sanctity of human life is worth fighting for – whether it’s in the womb or an assisted living or hospice facility. Leftists argue that their agenda is compassionate, but it’s a gateway to abuse, euthanasia, and the further erosion of the sanctity and profound value of human life.
Where will it stop? Will the disabled and mentally ill be next? In reality, their agenda is uncaring and callous. Proverbs 12:10 is apt in this situation: “The mercy of the wicked is cruel.”
“Do we want doctors deciding who lives and who dies? No, we do not want that.
This is a slope, a real slope where we are going to become God.
We do not have that power. The Declaration of Independence says
that we should have the right to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Nothing in it says we have the right to pursue death, nothing.”
~Former U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, MD (R-OK)