LGBTQ Activists Demanding More from Exxon
LGBTQ Activists Demanding More from Exxon
Written By   |   06.05.14
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Homosexual activists are looking to the White House to force a major corporation to bow to their lifestyle.

Last week, for the 17th year in a row, shareholders of ExxonMobil refused to adopt a non-discrimination policy to provide special protections for LGBT people. The corporation says its “zero tolerance” standards for discrimination already apply equally to every worker, regardless of sexual orientation. But that’s apparently not sufficient for pro-homosexual groups. A spokesman for the Human Rights Campaign criticizes the oil company, saying “only when categories [of sexual orientation] are enumerated” is there “heightened sensitivity to discrimination.”

Matt Barber, vice president of Liberty Counsel Action and founder of, explains that because ExxonMobil has refused to bow to the demands of LGBT activists and their supporters, the Human Rights Campaign has given ExxonMobil a low rating on its Corporate Equality Index 2014.

“… It’s in order to try to get the official stamp of approval on homosexual behaviors by these major corporations as well as a fundraising ploy in order to garner donations from these corporations or be called ‘homophobic’ and ‘discriminatory’ and so forth,” Barber says.

ExxonMobil’s score on the Index is -25; other oil and gas companies such as Chevron, BP, and Shell received scores of 85 or higher.

Barber points out there is no evidence ExxonMobil has discriminated against anyone. Still, he says, the issue is making an example of the corporation to other businesses because ExxonMobil isn’t willing to capitulate.

Some homosexual activists reportedly have petitioned President Obama to issue an executive order to force ExxonMobil to bow to homosexuals, knowing Obama “is their go-to guy,” as Barber observes.

“He may very well try, which would be a gross violation of the United States Constitution – an abuse of power,” says the attorney. “He may well try to force Exxon to comply with the strong-arm tactics through some kind of executive order.”

Barber says it would not surprise him at all if Obama did so.


This article was originally posted at the website.

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