PODCAST: School Boards Feel the Heat of Parental Opposition to Critical Race Theory

The poisonous effects of the promulgation of Critical Race Theory (CRT)in both leftist-controlled public schools and private schools—including even Christian private schools—are seen daily. We see the effects in graduation ceremonies ruined, employees fired, and scores of BLM/Antifa “insurrections” that resulted in the destruction of government property and injuries to police officers.

At long last, however, the justified and overdue resistance to CRT and its diverse manifestations are burbling up all over the country. For those of us who have labored for well over a decade to warn Americans about the destructive work of leftist change agents, the burbling of righteous rage is a welcome sight.  But far more work is needed and that will require organization, courage, and perseverance.

Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: School Boards Feel the Heat of Parental Opposition to Critical Race Theory
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