Students Told They Can’t Pray Outside Supreme Court
By David E. Smith   |   07.20.10
Federal Issue The Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) is calling on the U.S. Supreme Court to honor the religious liberties of American citizens on its own property. ADF has sent a letter to the High Court deploring a recent incident, in...
“Freedom of Religion” vs. “Freedom of Worship”
By David E. Smith   |   07.05.10
Recently, President Barack Obama and others in his administration (including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton) have been using the term “freedom of worship.” That’s a significant departure from the constitutional phrase with which most Americans are familiar: “freedom of religion.”...
U.S. Supreme Court Diminishes Religious Freedom
By David E. Smith   |   06.29.10
On Monday, June 28th, in a 5-4 decision, the United States Supreme Court ruled that in certain circumstances public universities can override a Christian student group’s right to choose its own leadership.  The case arose out of a situation involving...
Anti-Religious Freedom Ruling
By David E. Smith   |   04.16.10
Activist Judge Rules National Day of Prayer Unconstitutional! Last week a federal judge in Wisconsin demonstrated just how important judicial appointments are to the preservation of our basic liberties when he ruled that a federal statute that sets a day...
The Face of Hate
By   |   04.07.10
Progressives are like pig farmers. In an effort to bury opposing viewpoints they sling pejorative slop, labeling as bigot, hater, wingnut or racist those with whom they disagree. It’s the height of intellectual sloth. The ad hominem approach chief among...
Hate Crime Laws — Unequal Protection Under the Law
By David E. Smith   |   03.09.10
Stories about disturbing crimes in urban areas are nothing new. Almost every day we read or hear reports of murder, assaults, carjacking and robberies. These stories are evidence of a corrupt culture and symptoms of a world far removed from...
ADF and Illinois Family Institute File Friend-of-the-Court Brief with 7th Circuit
The Illinois Family Institute, the Alliance Defense Fund and allied attorneys filed a friend-of-the-court brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit Friday in support of an Illinois law that allows a “period of silence” for the...
Obama’s EEOC Pick, Chai Feldblum: Sexual liberty Wins in Conflict with Religious Liberty
From the Alliance Defense Fund Alliance Alert Washington Post: “President Obama announced Monday his intent to nominate Chai R. Feldblum for Commissioner of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.” According to the hunter for justice blog, Feldman will become the “first...
The Radical Homosexual Agenda and the Threat to Religious Liberty
People of faith are on a collision course with the radical homosexual agenda. It is inevitable. In order for the radical homosexual agenda to be fully implemented, people of faith are going to have to be silenced and marginalized. The radical homosexual community will have to violate our religious liberty and our consciences in order to achieve this.
DuPage County to Discriminate Against Religious Assemblies?
Don’t Allow DuPage County to Discriminate Against Religious Assemblies! On April 7th the DuPage County Development Committee met in Wheaton to consider amendments to zoning ordinances which, if approved as written, would have dramatic consequences for “religious assemblies” such as...
Right-Wing Extremism?
By David E. Smith   |   04.17.09
The Demonization of Veterans and Social Conservatives President Barack Obama’s head of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Janet Napolitano, has created a firestorm of controversy with the release of a “rightwing extremism” report. To paraphrase this report, returning U.S....
Protect Religious Rights of Medical Workers
By David E. Smith   |   03.17.09
Last month, the Chicago Tribune reported that the Obama administration will move to cancel “Protections for healthcare providers who choose not to participate in abortion related activities” — a radical and disturbing gesture to Christian medical professionals! Take ACTION: Click...
Do Medical Workers Have Religious Freedoms?
By David E. Smith   |   03.04.09
President Barack Obama is considering an astonishing proposal that would eliminate the religious freedom and right of conscience for doctors and other medical workers in favor of the so-called “right” to abortion. (Read more at the American Family Association.) Congress...
Top 10 Attacks on Christians in 2008
Last year was particularly contentious with the presidential election, marriage protection amendments in three more states and numerous other controversial issues in the public debate. One of the most distressing trends last year was the brazen attack on Christians and...
Christian Law Firm Represents Alliance Defense Fund in Moment of Silence Case
By   |   01.23.08
Regularly during each work day, we gather in prayer and ask the Lord to give us guidance,” said Andy Norman. Now some of you might think I’m quoting the wise words of a pastor or the dean of a Christian...
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