The Reality of Social Media: Part 1
By Kenna Rose   |   12.04.23
Everyone knows social media has negative effects. It’s the topic of countless articles, films have been made on it, people constantly discuss it, and it’s generally considered a bipartisan issue. Warning cries about social media have been sounded so often that they have become background music, even though it isn’t even 50 years old.
America’s Idol
By Ecce Verum   |   12.01.23
A few years back, Pew Research Center released a survey on America's religious landscape and found that, over a bit more than a decade, the number of adults professing to be Christians had dropped from 77% to 65%, and the number of "religiously unaffiliated" had risen from 17% to 26%.
I Smell a Double Standard
By Ecce Verum   |   11.21.23
Recent months have seen a dramatic uptick in the number of migrants and asylum seekers crossing the southern border, and major U.S. cities are struggling to accommodate them when they arrive.
Equality at its Worst
By Ecce Verum   |   11.10.23
Riley Gaines is back in the news. After her patently unfair college competition against "transgender" swimmer Lia Thomas, she has been crossing the country speaking out against men competing in women’s college sports. And unsurprisingly, many progressives are outraged at a woman who dares to speak the truth about womanhood.
Do Not Be Conformed To This World
By Kenna Rose   |   11.06.23
“My friend’s daughter went off to college, and now she’s a totally different person. It’s so sad.” How many times have you heard this story? I used to wonder how simply going to college could effect such a sudden and drastic worldview shift. I mean, going to a school couldn’t possibly change such a large thing as a worldview, especially one that has been held since childhood, right?
How to Properly Demonize Drag Performers
By Ecce Verum   |   11.02.23
Earlier this month, the American Civil Liberties Union sent out a fundraising email written by the "transgender" "actress" and "drag queen" "Miss Peppermint." As ACLU's Artist Ambassador for Transgender Justice, Peppermint wrote a scathing rebuke of "stale, dusty politicians" who are trying to "take away our freedom to be ourselves," and urged supporters to contribute to the ACLU's efforts to fight back.
Fighting the Dumpster Fire: Are We Alone?
By Ecce Verum   |   10.23.23
Does it feel like you've woken up to yet another day fighting the cultural dumpster fire? You're not alone. Many faithful brothers and sisters are fighting alongside you. But it's not enough to keep monotonously throwing water on the fire—it's sometimes important to step back and study just how the fire’s progressing. Only then can you know where best to attack.
Why Do So Many Protests Happen At College?
By Ecce Verum   |   10.23.23
The pro-Palestinian organization Students for Justice in Palestine announced Thursday, October 12 to be a "Day of Resistance" and called for a coordinated series of protests on college campuses to support the Hamas attacks on Israel and speak out against "Zionism." And what a day it was.
Surveying the Educational-Political Battle
By Ecce Verum   |   10.21.23
As he lists off the groups of fighting men who joined David in Hebron, the writer of 1 Chronicles gives the men of Issachar a special description: they understood the times and they knew what Israel ought to do (1 Chronicles 12:32). Although we live in a much different context, I think the overarching principle ought to be applied to us as well. It's important for us to understand our times and know what we ought to do. As a matter of fact, knowing the right course of action often requires us to first understand our times. Spend a good while listening before speaking.
Gender and True Identity
By Kenna Rose   |   10.19.23
Everyone knows that one kid who joined the theater program and then became the epitome of a “theater kid.” If you asked them to tell you who they are as a person, they would probably say something related to theater, because it’s become their whole identity.
Illinois’ Immigration Overflow
By Ecce Verum   |   10.12.23
f you haven’t noticed, immigration has been a much hotter topic in Illinois news recently. As waves of migrants are bused up to Illinois from the southern border and as they try to find living space in shelters, airports and even police stations, Chicago and other cities are seriously struggling to find room for them all.
Should Christians Live In Cities?
By Ecce Verum   |   09.26.23
In a sense, many of today's conservative Christians have an inferiority complex. Just mention higher education, the mainstream media, or the political dynamics of any major city in the U.S., and you'll likely be met with a series of sighs and slow head-shakes about how rigged everything seems to be against conservative voices.
Is Biology Insensitive?
By Ecce Verum   |   09.22.23
Academia is being infected with the virus of absurdity. Theology, philosophy, arts, and social sciences have all been infiltrated with truth-denying ideologies which, starting out as seemingly innocent statements, eventually turn into denial of some of the most basic and objectively verifiable statements known to man. And while it's one thing for the arts and the humanities to fall victim to modern fallacies, it's extra shocking when "hard" sciences start to cave as well.
Speak Out Against Mildew
By Ecce Verum   |   09.15.23
The Mosaic law is one giant picture book. Turn to almost any page and you'll find imagery teaching you about God. You'll find specifications for the priesthood illustrating Christ's mediation and showing how holy God is. You'll find records of the Israelites' many blunders into sin that show us just how serious our own blunders are.
Is Pregnancy Dangerous?
By Ecce Verum   |   09.07.23
In 2006, a woman named Rozelletta Blackshire was arrested in Georgia and charged with criminal abortion and first degree cruelty to children. Why? According to police, she and her two cousins had forced her 16-year-old pregnant daughter to drink turpentine in order to force an abortion. Pregnancy should not be a threat to women.
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