Sixty Day Prayer Challenge
By David E. Smith   |   09.05.14
In the book of 1 Samuel, we read about Israel's political system and the establishment of a human king to rule over the tribes. While God alone was Israel’s King, He had established earthly judges to handle disputes and manage the governmental affairs of His nation. Scripture tells us that the ungrateful Israelites began to cry out for a king, demanding to "be like all the nations..."
IFI Prayer Team
In Ephesians 2:6, Paul shows us that the followers of Christ are raised up and seated now with him in the heavenly realms. God has raised us up spiritually now into the heavenly places, just as we will be bodily and visibly hereafter. What does this mean to us? Why has He put us in this honorable place of sitting with Christ?
Pre-order Voter Guides TODAY!
By Kathy Valente   |   08.11.14
Illinois Family Institute will be printing a limited number of the 2014 General Election Voter Guide. The suggested donation to cover the cost of printing is $25 per hundred. We will print only what is pre-ordered, so make sure you...
Join us at our Annual Banquet Celebration in September!
By David E. Smith   |   08.08.14
The Illinois Family Institute is very pleased to invite you to attend the 2014 Annual Faith, Family and Freedom Banquet on Friday, September 19th at 7:00 p.m. at The Meadows Club in Rolling Meadows, Illinois.
September 19th Will Be An Inspiring Night
By Andrew Willis   |   08.03.14
I’m not the one usually writing to you, but Dave asked if I would share with you this week. We are all very aware of the many troubles that our nation and culture are facing, yet it is generally agreed...
Retelling the Story of Pastors in Arms
By Monte Larrick   |   07.28.14
Pastor, historian, and state representative Dan Fisher travels around the nation telling the true story of how eighteenth century pastors took up arms to lead the congregants against the British in the War for Independence.
Summertime Challenge Update
By David E. Smith   |   07.25.14
At the risk of sounding like one of those never ending PBS pledge drives, I’d like to give you an update on our summertime challenge to add 25 new monthly supporters to our Sustaining Partners roster this summer. The good...
“One of the Rarest Gifts to the Church Today” — Sept. 19th in Rolling Meadows
By David E. Smith   |   07.20.14
We are eagerly looking forward to being with you at our upcoming annual banquet this September 19th in Rolling Meadows. (We hope you can join us!). We feel very privileged to be able to offer you the talents and wit...
Aug. 24th thru 29th — Bringing Back the Black Robed Regiment
By David E. Smith   |   07.15.14
Learn about the pastors who risked everything to stand up for liberty and lead their congregations to battle against the British Empire in the War for Independence. I am pleased to announce 10 very special events that we have scheduled...
Summertime Challenge Update
By David E. Smith   |   07.15.14
Last week I challenged IFI’s subscribers to help us add 25 new monthly supporters to our Sustaining Partners roster during the month of July. I am pleased to report that we have added three so far, and hope that by...
By A.F. Branco G-Prices-590-AEA Rising gas prices at the pump, and still no Keystone XL pipeline or drilling on federal lands allowed....
Prayer Update for July 2014
By Kathy Valente   |   07.11.14
“Come now, and let us reason together,” saith the LORD.  Isaiah 1:18  The Hebrew word reason together means: to come together in a court of law. It is to debate a cause and bring forth the right. We see examples...
The Devastation That’s Really Happening in Colorado
President Obama visited Denver this week, was offered marijuana, and laughed. His administration made possible the open marketing and use of marijuana in Colorado and Washington state by directing that federal law not be enforced. The president is joined by Hillary Clinton and Rand Paul in supporting marijuana legalization.
Summertime Challenge
By David E. Smith   |   07.10.14
Summer is a critical time of the year financially for IFI.  Summer schedules often keep people busier than usual and some simply forget to make the contributions they had planned to make.   As giving drops off significantly during this time...
Celebrating Liberty
By David E. Smith   |   07.04.14
Today, the United States of America celebrates the 238th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Americans across the nation (and across the world) will gather to celebrate America’s courageous decision to throw off tyranny and separate from an oppressive ruler and government.
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