Tag Archives: Wokism

Nothing But the Truth

A sign along the highway in Wisconsin states, “Lies are destroying America.” It is ironically true. Truth matters, and so do lies. How did we get to the point where virtually everything we hear must be analyzed to determine whether it is true or not? How did so many Americans come to accept lying as normal? And worse, how have so many bought into “Wokism,” which is all out war against Truth!
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Wokism: The Tedious Task of Explaining Nonsense

Anyone who loves God, cares for the truth, cherishes children, appreciates freedom, and desires better racial relationships in America understands that Wokism is decidedly not the answer. Can you, or rather, should you come to terms with such irrational and harmful thinking? Woke ideology is founded on lies. In a nutshell, it declares that whatever we say or believe is somehow “true” and whatever we want is “good,” and not to be denied. It is paganism and arrogance all rolled up in an untidy package, attempting once again to whitewash mankind’s sin.
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