Tag Archives: The Washington Stand

Musk’s X Platform: Good and Bad

For years now, we’ve heard the legacy media lament the spread of “misinformation” and “fake news.” These self-proclaimed arbiters of truth are quick to demand the censorship of conservative perspectives and dissenting views – especially on social media. Wringing their hands, left-wing media types declare conservative news and opinion as “dangerous,” “hateful,” and full of conspiracy theories.
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Planned Parenthood’s Abortion RV Seeking to Devour

Due to the reversal of Roe V. Wade, Planned Parenthood has been forced to close many clinics in states whose lawmakers and governors are upholding the sanctity of life. But sadly, the culture of death has so pervaded our society that many women in more pro-life states have been traveling to pro-abortion states (like Illinois) to kill their babies.
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