Tag Archives: ‘Taxpayer Bargain’ Budget

State Senator McConchie Outlines the Simplicity of the Budget Crisis

Two years after the “temporary” income tax expired, rapacious Springfield lawmakers are once again working toward raising our taxes, supposedly in order to solve the state’s fiscal problems. This time they want to raise the state’s income tax from 3.75 percent to 4.95 percent, raise the corporate tax from 5.25 percent to 7 percent and expand the state’s sales tax to include certain services.

In a partisan line vote, Illinois Senate Democrats passed these ridiculous proposals in SB 9 on Tuesday afternoon by a vote of 32-26.  Most of these lawmakers honestly believe that taking more money from citizens …

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‘Taxpayer Bargain’ Budget Puts Taxpayers First

Editor’s note: Since the op ed below was first drafted, the authors have introduced their proposal in a series of bills to be considered by the state senate.

By State Sens. Kyle McCarter (R-Lebanon) and Dan McConchie (R-Hawthorn Woods)

For two years, a political paralysis has had a grip on Illinois government. For two years, we have operated the state without a regular budget – the longest in American history. Unfortunately, even though we don’t have a budget, the spending spree continues unabated. With no controls, spending is out-of-control. The state is on pace to spend 38 billion in the …

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Steve Rauschenberger: There is Too Little Interest in Addressing the State’s Budget Fundamentals

A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to talk with former state Senator Steve Rauschenberger, an old friend and former boss. When I first met him during his first campaign back in 1992, the political operative I was with made a prediction to me after the meeting: Steve is not going to play along — he’s going to be a problem for the GOP establishment. And he was.

Along with four other senators elected the same year, Steve became part of what was called the “Fab Five”: Peter Fitzgerald, Chris Lauzen, Pat O’Malley, and …

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Senators McCarter and McConchie Provide a Sign of Life in the General Assembly

There is little doubt that many Illinois citizens tune out their state’s political and governmental news because like any soap opera, the characters may change, but the basic drama remains the same. The plot hasn’t advanced much since Governor Bruce Rauner took office, so it’s easy to doze off when the news reports come on the radio.

The main soap opera in Illinois during the past few years has revolved around our lack of a state budget. Things were bad even with a budget, now without one they’re getting worse.

The Illinois governor is charged with a big task. The

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