Tag Archives: sidewalk counseling

King Manasseh and Mayor Brandon

The Old Testament chapter of 2 Kings 21 is dedicated to the most wicked king of Judah/Israel, who was named Manasseh. His father, Hezekiah, had been one of the greatest and most faithful kings. What a horrible reversal in just one generation... I share this history as a sad illustration and comparison to Mayor Brandon Johnson of Chicago....
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Stepping Up for The Pro-Life Cause

Sometimes you hear of an event, experience a situation, or even meet a person who really convicts you about something, and then you feel you have to tell others about it even though you haven’t mastered it yourself yet. That is just what happened to me in the recent past, so I'm writing this article to myself as much as to you.  
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Independent Abortion Facilities are Closing and That’s Good News!

The so-called “Abortion Care Network” (ACN) recently reported that independent abortion facilities are closing at an “alarming rate.” In the past five years, 113 independent abortion facilities have closed, including 34 since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the past decade, the number of independent abortion facilities has declined by 30 percent. The rate at which these clinics are closing is not what is alarming. What is alarming is that they ever opened in the first place and that, far too often, we are numb to the daily massacre committed by the abortion industry.
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