Tag Archives: Robert Gates

Mormon Exodus from Scouting Is Good for Boys

It’s official. The Mormons have finally figured out that they can’t do business with the devil. Bully for them.

More specifically, the Salt Lake City-based denomination is flipping off the demonic forces assigned by Beelzebub to wage war on God’s creation of male and female.

That’s where the minions of Hell have been concentrating their firepower in recent years.  It’s not for nothing that we’ve been told, over and over, that male-female differences are irrelevant and reality is entirely subjective.

But, be of good cheer. Resistance to the cultural insanity is growing.  Last Tuesday, the Church of Jesus Christ of …

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Boys Scouts of American Urge Change in Policy to Allow Openly Gay Adult Leaders

The national president of the Boy Scouts of America, Robert Gates, said Thursday that the organization’s longstanding ban on participation by openly gay adults is no longer sustainable, and called for change in order to avert potentially destructive legal battles.

In a speech in Atlanta to the Scouts’ national annual meeting, Gates referred to recent moves by Scout councils in New York City and elsewhere to defy the ban.

“The status quo in our movement’s membership standards cannot be sustained,” he said.

Gates said no change in the policy would be made at the national meeting. But he raised …

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Academia Welcomes Rainbow ROTC

by Malcolm A. Kline –Accuracy in Academia

Now that the President is poised to sign the repeal of the ban on homosexuals serving in the U. S. military, academics are prepared to welcome the armed forces they have banned from their campuses with open arms, at least metaphorically. San Francisco State University political scientist Aaron Belkin will actually be at the White House signing ceremony, according to Renna Communications.

Meanwhile, Harvard is letting the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) come back to Cambridge. Harvard deans evicted ROTC during the Vietnam War.

“In the meantime,” the Center for Military Readiness(CMR) …

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