Tag Archives: Nazism

The White Rose Resistance: The Story of Sophie Scholl

“We are Christian and we are German. Therefore, we are responsible for Germany.” ~ Sophie Scholl In January of 1933, Hitler’s Third Reich rose to power in Germany. Being a good citizen of Germany, Sophie Scholl, along with her siblings, was excited to be a follower of the National Socialist cult of youth.
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Burying the Talent: A Review of “Letter to the American Church”

Most people, if given a glimpse of a future event that was going to cause harm to their friends, family, community, and nation, would use every means possible to alert those around them to the danger. From time to time, there are real, best-case scenario examples of this, such as when someone shares a tip with law enforcement or the intelligence community and a mass killer or terrorist is stopped before he can enact his deadly plan.
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Christians Must Stand Against Racism and with Christ

In the wake of the violent confrontation and death in Charlottesville, Virginia, the response of the church seems curiously one-sided. For example, one of my friends, a pastor, expressed his sadness and anger about the events and that he was grateful for those pastors who stood with the counter-protesters.

Most of what I see on social media are denunciations of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), Nazism, and white supremacy, with calls for pastors to use the opportunity to condemn racism. Since the church of Jesus Christ must oppose any kind of racism, this is a good thing.

But my friend’s …

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