Tag Archives: National Security

Illegal Immigrants Overrun ‘Free’ Buildings and Resources Recently Shut Down in Major Cities

Residents in cities across the United States are justifiably upset that their recently closed facilities are now being used by illegal immigrants at no charge to the immigrants. Adding to the frustration, these taxpayer-funded schools, health care clinics, and community recreation centers in low-income neighborhoods have been shut down largely because of city leaders’ fiscal irresponsibility.
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Immigration Tsunami Swallows Illinois, “Refugee Tent Cities” Planned

The massive wave of illegal immigration coming across the U.S.-Mexico border is hitting Illinois and Chicago particularly hard, with authorities considering a plan to erect giant “refugee” tent cities to handle the influx. More than 1,500 migrants are currently staying in police stations across Chicago and ten times that many are spread across 16 shelters operated by the city.
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An Unlikely Front in the Battle with China

In 2023, it seems the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is less and less concerned with hiding its espionage and attempts to destabilize the United States. With the early February sighting of a confirmed Chinese surveillance balloon, which drifted across the U.S. for a week until it was shot down off the coast of South Carolina, perhaps more Americans are aware of the threat China poses to United States security. But while the eyes of many have been trained on the skies, the communist nation has been at work right under our feet.
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Brigitte Gabriel: “It’s Great To Be An American!”

In this video, Brigitte Gabriel – author, commentator on politics, culture, terrorism, and national security, as well as the founder and chairman of ACT for America – gives one of the most energetic, impassioned, and motivating presentations you will watch all year.

Ms. Gabriel speaks about the transformation that altered her childhood in Lebanon, the transformation that has turned Europe into “Eurabia,” and the transformation that is occurring in America as Muslim groups work to change the DNA of our country through various means, most especially through public school curriculum.

As the largest grassroots national security organization in the country, …

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Law Enforcement Agrees: The Media’s Border Denialism is Absurd

Somehow, it’s only cool to care about humanitarian and national security problems of other countries, but not our own or even those of the country just south of us. The reason? Because it implicates the agenda of illegal immigration.
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