Tag Archives: Joe Rogan
Temporal and Eternal Fires
As I write this, these were the latest numbers of the devastation from the California wildfires. It will only get worse. Total emergency responses: 34,354. Total wildfires: 227. (You read that right.) Acres burned: 40,687. Fatalities: 28. Structures destroyed: 15,798.
Posted in Faith, Federal
Tagged Anna Faris, Billy Crystal, California wildfires, Cameron Mathison, Cary Elwes, Donald Trump, fire, Franklin Graham, Heidi Montag, Joe Rogan, Jon Voight, Joshua Jackson, Mandy Moore, Mel Gibson, Nathan Hochman, Neil Young, Paris Hilton, Ricki Lake, Spencer Pratt, Sylvester Stallone, Tyra Banks
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Woke Won’t Work
For many years, I have been predicting a cultural pushback against the radical left, knowing that, at a certain point, people would say, “Enough is enough...”
The Bud Light and Target boycotts have now become cautionary tales, reminding us that your average American does not share these extremist ideas.
The Bud Light and Target boycotts have now become cautionary tales, reminding us that your average American does not share these extremist ideas.
Posted in Marriage/Family/Culture
Tagged Bill Maher, Bud Light, COVID lockdowns, J.K. Rowling, Joe Rogan, Martina Navratilova, Miss Universe, Richard Dawkins, Target, Wokeism
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The Left Really Is Trying to Silence Us
Maybe you once thought that the left wanted tolerance and diversity, but in reality, tolerance and diversity have never been the goals of the left, especially the radical left. Instead, it wants to suppress and silence opposing views, and the further left you go, the more extreme the intolerance.
For those who have still not come to grips with this, let these recent examples jar you.
It is bad enough that states have been passing legislation banning counseling for minors struggling with same-sex attraction, even if they have their parents’ backing. But now, there are reports that some states are …
Posted in Media Watch
Tagged CNN, Dana Loesch, Douglas Murray, Google, Harvard College Faith and Action, Jake Tapper, Jeremy Schossau, jihad, JihadWatch, Joe Rogan, Milo Yiannopoulos, National Religious Broadcasters, NRA, Pamela Geller, Sam Harris, sharia, Todd Starnes, Twitter, YouTube
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Milo Yiannopoulos is Destructive to Conservatism
The obscene, sodomy-celebrating, and nasty provocateur; rising GOP star; and Breitbart contributor Milo Yiannopoulos was recently invited to be the keynote speaker at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Fortunately, his invitation was quickly rescinded when an interview with Joe Rogan from ten months ago came to light in which Yiannopoulos gleefully recounted performing a sex act on a Catholic priest when Yiannopoulos was 14-years-old--a sexual act that Yiannopoulos insisted did not constitute pedophilia.
Posted in Sexuality
Tagged American Conservative Union, CPAC, Joe Rogan, Matt Schlapp, Milo Yiannopoulos
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