Tag Archives: inclusion

Boy Scouts of America Changes Its Historic Name to “Scouting America”

On February 8, 1910, Boy Scouts of America was officially established as an organization designed to challenge boys with age-appropriate programs, to learn valuable skills, and to encourage their sense of adventure. Robert S. S. Baden-Powell was one of the Founders of Boy Scouts of America and his biography gives insight into the creation of this organized group:
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Critical Race Theory at Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

Have you recently heard the scornful claims of “progressives” who assert that critical race theory (CRT) is absolutely, unequivocally not taught in public schools? Never, no way, no how. Have you heard the suspiciously uniform proclamations that CRT is an academic theory originating and taught exclusively in law schools? Well, take a gander at this upcoming course offered at the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy—a public high school:
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Diversity and Inclusion Insanity

It's nearly impossible to have even a short conversation with a college administrator, politician or chief executive without the words diversity and inclusion dropping from their lips. Diversity and inclusion appear to be the end-all and be-all of their existence. So, I thought I'd begin this discussion by first looking up the definition of diversity.
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