Tag Archives: Hitler

Decoupling Schooling from the State

On July 27 [2023],, I went to a forum hosted by Americans for Prosperity, focused on fixing the deep problems in K-12 schooling. I had been asked to come and present my perspective by the organizer of the event, even though he knew I opposed one of the three proposals his organization was supporting.
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The Commodification of Children

We're in a curious position in this twisted world of ours. It’s like we’ve burned down the baseboards of our house, and then we realized that the rest of the house doesn't match the charred and disintegrating baseboards.
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Don’t Miss an Evening With Eric Metaxas!

Eric Metaxas is, among other things, a New York Times #1 bestselling author, speaker, host of a nationally-syndicated radio show, and a strong Christian conservative whose wit, clarity, and stubborn optimism make him a much sought-after voice in this cultural moment.
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Sound of Freedom?

No problem can be solved unless you can see it clearly. Too often, people jump in and act without having any real understanding of the problem--its nature and scope, its scale and dimensions. They make assumptions and conclusions, without proper investigation and clarity. The result is always the same when you act without understanding. Failure.
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Anger and the Church

There are some battles in which all Christians and all who are committed to truth are called to engage: all Christians should have opposed slavery; all Christians should have fought for the civil rights of blacks; all Christians are called to oppose abortion; and we are all called to oppose the rancorous, pernicious demands to affirm the pro-homosexuality/pro-“trans” ideologies.

In his book Kingdoms in ConflictChuck Colson writes about the failure of the church to oppose the extermination of Jews and the government usurpation of control of the church in Nazi Germany. Immediately following the naming of Hitler as …

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