Tag Archives: HB 217

Lawsuit Against State of Illinois’ Unconstitutional Ban on Counseling for Minors

IFI is asking for help from supporters in moving forward an important lawsuit against the state of Illinois. In light of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in favor of pro-life crisis pregnancy centers in California (NIFLA v. Becerra) and with the encouragement of IFI and others, Mauck & Baker, a Chicago-based law firm committed to protecting religious liberty, is considering a lawsuit against the Illinois law that bans counseling for children and teens who experience unwanted same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria.


The plaintiffs in the NIFLA case (i.e., pro-life crisis pregnancy centers) sued the state of …

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Pastors File Federal Lawsuit Against Illinois

As a result of the passage of the deceptively named “Youth Mental Health Protection Act,” the law firm of Mauck & Baker is today filing a federal lawsuit against the state of Illinois on behalf of a group of Illinois pastors alleging that the Act “unconstitutionally restricts a young person’s right to make personal choices regarding his or her own choice of sexual identity, as well as the pastors’ right to free speech and the exercise of religion.” The suit seeks “a Declaratory Judgment from the court stating that the law should not apply to pastoral counseling.”

Read the Mauck …

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Statement on Conversion Therapy Ban

Mauck & Baker is a well-respected Chicago law firm committed to protecting religious liberty through the application of biblical principles. In the service of this commitment, they have issued a statement regarding Republican Governor Bruce Rauner’s deeply troubling abandonment of conservative principles through his enactment of a controversial, anti-autonomy law that prohibits mental health professionals from helping minors who seek assistance in resisting unwanted, unchosen same-sex attraction, rejecting a “gay” identity, and/or accepting their physical embodiment:

Rauner Signs Bill Restricting Sexual Orientation Counseling for Minors

(Chicago, Illinois) Late last Friday, Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner signed into law the deceptively titled

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Taradiddler Diana Rauner and Her LGBTQ-Allied Activist Hubby

Governor Bruce Rauner lied—or perhaps more precisely his wife, helpmeet, and mouthpiece, Diana Rauner, lied for him.

In a campaign ad, Mrs. Rauner stated with a Cheshire grin and a long nose that “Bruce doesn’t have a social agenda.”

Oh really…

Just this afternoon following the day during which we had to hear more about Planned Parenthood’s bloody baby-breaking business—which Ms. Rauner heartily supports—Governor “No-Social-Agenda” signed into law the anti-autonomy “Youth Mental Health Act,” deceitfully called the “conversion therapy ban” by radical LGBTQQIP activists. HB 217 will now become law.

Now minors who experience same-sex attraction as a result …

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Urge Governor Rauner to Veto Deceitful, Vague, Anti-Autonomy Bill

The politically expedient title of the anti-autonomy, anti-choice bill (HB 217) sitting on Governor Bruce Rauner’s desk points to its nebulous, overbroad, and deceitful content. It’s titled the “Youth Mental Health Protection Act.” I mean, who isn’t for “youth mental health.”

Among Illinois’ sexuality dogmatists, like lesbian activist Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago), who never miss an opportunity to exploit minors for their selfish political ends, the bill is informally called the “conversion therapy prohibition act.” It’s a deceitful colloquial title intended to connote religiosity and compulsory therapies and to conceal that some therapeutic protocols are neither religious nor …

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Scientists Oppose “Conversion” Therapy Bans for Gender-Confused Minors

In a stunning, counter-cultural op-ed appearing in the LA Times and Chicago Tribune, Dr. Eric Vilain, professor of pediatrics and human genetics at UCLA and director of the Center for Gender-Based Biology, and J. Michael Bailey, psychology professor at Northwestern University, warn lawmakers against banning “conversion” therapy for minors who experience gender dysphoria. They argue that attempts by lawmakers to ban “all therapists from helping families trying to alleviate children’s gender dysphoria would be premature, a triumph of ideology over science.”

Further, they take particular aim at President Barack Obama’s public support for “conversion” therapy bans, urging him …

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Illinois House Approves Freedom Quashing Reparative Therapy Ban

How did they vote?

Yesterday afternoon in an appalling disregard for children’s mental health, parental rights and religious liberty, the Illinois House voted 68 to 43 to pass HB 217, a bill to ban reparative therapy for children who suffer from unwanted same-sex attraction disorder.  This bill was introduced by LBGTQ activist and State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago). The bill received eight more votes than the sixty needed to pass!

Click HERE to see how your state representative voted on this legislation, or look at the graphic below. (Look up your state representative HERE.)

This is an …

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Homosexuals Admit “Sexual Orientation” Can and Does Change

Homosexual activists, intent on using every cultural institution—including public schools, the courts, and legislatures—to advance their non-factual beliefs, have been successful in their efforts in large measure because they have lied to Americans. How have they lied to Americans? Let us enumerate just a few of the ways:

  • They have said that moral disapproval of homoerotic activity and relationships constitutes hatred of same-sex attracted persons.
  • They have said that those who experience homoerotic attraction are “born that way,” meaning that homoerotic attraction is 100 percent heritable, like skin color.
  • They have said that homoerotic attraction is in all cases immutable,
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Ex-Homosexual Warns Against Banning Conversion Therapy [VIDEO]

Stephen Black of the Restored Hope Network changed his sexual orientation as a young man and believes others should have the right to do the same. Not so for the all-knowing legislators in Springfield who are currently looking to pass HB 217 that will ban conversion therapy for minors. See video below:

TAKE ACTION: CLICK HERE to contact your State Representative and urge them to protect the rights of minors to seek help for their unwanted attractions. Urge a “No” vote on HB 217.

The Illinois Family Institute is completely dependent on the voluntary contributions of individuals just like you.  …

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Could Lives Be Harmed by Ambiguous, Political “Conversion Therapy” Bans?

Lesbian activist State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) is trying to rush out of committee her ill-conceived, poorly written mess of a bill that would prohibit any counseling efforts that may help minors construct an identity that does not include affirmation of unwanted same-sex attraction. Perhaps these minors should be considered a “sexual minority.”

Cassidy’s bill is titled the “Conversion Therapy Prohibition Act,” but oddly this bill fails to define precisely what is prohibited, which matters not to Cassidy and her legislative accomplices. Just get the bill passed in a New York minute, and then let likeminded ideologues from homosexuality-affirming law …

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