Tag Archives: Eric Adams

I Smell a Double Standard

Recent months have seen a dramatic uptick in the number of migrants and asylum seekers crossing the southern border, and major U.S. cities are struggling to accommodate them when they arrive.
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Immigration Tsunami Swallows Illinois, “Refugee Tent Cities” Planned

The massive wave of illegal immigration coming across the U.S.-Mexico border is hitting Illinois and Chicago particularly hard, with authorities considering a plan to erect giant “refugee” tent cities to handle the influx. More than 1,500 migrants are currently staying in police stations across Chicago and ten times that many are spread across 16 shelters operated by the city.
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“We’re Coming for Your Children,” Declare Pride Marchers in NYC

Self-proclaimed proud homosexuals, gender-confused individuals, and “queers” marched down the streets of New York City chanting loudly that they were “coming for your children.” The spectacle sparked international condemnation while confirming what anti-grooming activists have been warning about for years, all amid escalating sexualization and indoctrination of children by LGBTQ extremists.
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