Tag Archives: Dr. Daniel Boland

Undesirable Humans

I spent several days visiting the death camps at Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland back in 1989, when Poland was still occupied by the Soviets and run by their Communist Party lackeys. Abortion was a common yet seldom- mentioned procedure in the arsenal of National Socialism's energetic desire to murder millions of "undesirable" persons.
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Beyond the Kavanaugh Event: America’s Fading Traditions

A vast divide now exists among Americans. It is far more than a political rift between Democrats and Republicans. It is not merely a struggle between conservatives and liberals. The true nature of this conflict centers on how we shall live as individuals and what values we shall uphold as a nation. The facts at hand are not encouraging.
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What a “Progressive” Thinks of IFI’s Grammy Article—(yikes)

Yesterday’s article on the Grammy’s generated a lot of impassioned responses, including a shocking email that can be read here**Caution: This is the most depraved, blasphemous, and hateful email IFI has ever received (which is saying a lot), so you’ve been forewarned.

The reason for publishing it is to remind Christians of what evil lurks behind the façade and rhetoric of decency, compassion, love, equality, and tolerance created by politically savvy “progressives.” I’m not suggesting that all “progressives” think as the lost soul who emailed me thinks. I am suggesting that the hate that animates him is not …

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