Tag Archives: Dale Righter

Clowns to the Left of Dale Righter in Springfield

You must watch 8 gut-busting minutes of one floor “debate” that took place recently in the Springfield swamp. Then when you’ve caught your breath and dried those tears of laughter, take a moment to dash off a thank you to State Senator Dale Righter (R-Mattoon) for his exasperated and exquisite exposure of yet another exasperating and chuckleheaded bill sponsored and unfortunately passed by Springfield clowns.

The bill (HB 3394) amends the Business Corporation Act of 1983 in such a way as to try to force corporations to judge people by the color of their skin—or rather by the …

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PODCAST: Clowns to the Left of Dale Righter in Springfield

You must watch 8 gut-busting minutes of one floor “debate” that took place recently in the Springfield swamp. Then when you’ve caught your breath and dried those tears of laughter, take a moment to dash off a thank you to State Senator Dale Righter (R-Mattoon) for his exasperated and exquisite exposure of yet another exasperating and chuckleheaded bill sponsored and unfortunately passed by Springfield clowns.

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Illinois Senate Passes Legal Weed

The Illinois Senate approved the so-called  “Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act” (HB 1438 Senate Amendment 2) late yesterday by a vote of 38–17 with two voting present and two not voting. This bill now moves to the Illinois House for consideration. We have been told that Governor Pritzker has been making personal calls to lawmakers, promising them favors for their yes vote.
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Massive Tax Bill Rejected by Governor Rauner; Back to the House

Yesterday, the Illinois Senate took up the misguided proposal to massively increase the income taxes of citizens and corporations in Illinois. It is ironic that the General Assembly voted to impose oppressive government taxes on Illinoisans during Independence Day weekend.
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