Tag Archives: Chuck Colson
Generation Z Has An Identity Crisis
Why Worldview Training Is Vital
Holy What???
The Neutrality Myths – Part 2
Stonestreet: The Sexual Revolution: Its Ideas and Its Victims
What grounds human dignity? Without the answers that the Christian ideas of inherent dignity and equality provide, the culture turns to sex.
In the first session at the 2019 IFI Worldview Conference, John Stonestreet spoke on what it means to be human. In his second lecture, available here, he speaks on the sexual revolution and how culture has completely sexualized their answer to what it means to be human. After identifying the three major ideas of the sexual revolution, Stonestreet presents the redeemed reality of these ideas in light of the human dignity God has given us.
Please watch and …
The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy
February Worldview Event with Dr. Wayne Grudem
Are Liberals Finally Ready to Tame the Political Correctness Monster?
Amazing Grace Amazingly Staged
Anti-Christian Activists Will Defeat Themselves
For years now, anti-Christian activists have been pushing the hate button and accusing those of us who hold to biblical morality and family values of being intolerant, hate-filled bigots (and worse).
But this strategy, seen most recently in the attack on godly twin brothers, Jason and David Benham, will inevitably defeat itself. After all, when the alleged victims are the bullies and the alleged tolerant ones are full of bigotry, their rhetoric cannot be taken seriously.
Back in 2008, as Californians voted to preserve marriage with the Proposition 8 marriage amendment, the amendment was quickly dubbed Prop Hate, as …