Tag Archives: Bret Baier

“Follow the Science” Except When it Comes to Marijuana

Last month, President Joe Biden announced that his administration approved downgrading the seriousness of marijuana despite overwhelming evidence that it is an addictive drug with no medical benefit and a high potential for abuse.
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Final Thoughts on School Walkout

You probably heard ad nauseum the laughable claimed that the March for Our Lives-sponsored National School Walkout was not a “left/right” event. Well, there's a reason that Leftists like Oprah and George Clooney donated half a million dollars to the walkout. There's a reason that Leftists in Congress walked out to join teens—I mean, in addition to virtue-signaling and getting their faces in the press. There's a reason that Leftists on CNN and MSNBC didn't merely report the story but fawned all over the teens who spouted stuff while actually knowing little...
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Conservative Gets Under Thin Skins of Petulant Progressive News Anchors

Next time Leftist journalists take umbrage over President Trump’s criticism of the mainstream press, pretending they think his criticism of bias is an attack on the foundation of our republic, or when a “progressive” talking head goes all middle-school snotty on a guest for his or her criticism of press bias, remember their responses to these comments from Obama and his water-carriers who routinely accused Fox News of being a fake news network and shill for the GOP...
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FOX News Pundits Slurp up Kool-Aid, Regurgitate Nonsense

Those with ears to hear fear it’s coming. They fear the impending death of FOX News as a voice for conservatism. They see FOX gasping for air in its miasmic studio spaces, but they fear too little life-sustaining air remains. Retaining conservative views on defense and fiscal policy cannot sustain either the health of a political party or the soundness of political punditry.
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Fox, CNN and MSNBC Agree: ‘We’re for Gay Rights’

The “Code of Ethics” of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) says that the media should “avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived.” But on the issue of homosexual rights, the media, from the left to the right, have taken a side. This includes the Fox News Channel, which many conservatives had hoped would stay true to its word of being “Fair & Balanced,” on the issue of gay rights.

The Fox News Channel is joining CBS News and CNN as “silver” sponsors of the upcoming National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) 20th annual New York “Headlines & Headliners”

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Who Will Defend Free Speech in America?

In a story about Bret Baier’s withdrawal from a Catholic conference, where he was going to speak about his Catholic faith, the website known as Mediaite noted that Republican Governor Bobby Jindal (LA) was going to go through with his appearance at the event. But the website warned him about the consequences of offending the homosexual lobby. “Given the controversy that follows U.S. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) more than a decade after he allegedly spoke before a group connected to white supremacists, Jindal, who has presidential ambitions of his own, must be giving his appearance some serious thought …

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Senator Dick Durbin Goes Bellicose on Bret Baier

I often find the statements or actions of Illinois politicians embarrassing or worse. Watching U.S. Senator Dick Durbin’s interview with Bret Baier was one of those occasions. I cannot for the life of me understand why Illinoisans continue year after year to vote for men like Dick Durbin–particularly with Illinois in a state of perpetual decline.

The unflappable, congenial, and always civil Bret Baier (no Rachel Maddow or Bill O’Reilly here) tried indefatigably to get  Durbin to answer a simple question regarding the noticeable deletion of the word “God” from the 2012 Democratic platform. The phrase “God-given potential” appeared in …

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