Tag Archives: Albert Mohler

The Mistake by the Lake: Alistair Begg, Public Sins, and the Decay of Evangelicalism

In a recent American Reformer article detailing the decay of doctrine among Evangelicals, the point that generated the most attention by far concerned popular pastor Alistair Begg’s counsel from September of last year in which he advised a woman to attend her grandchild’s transgender “wedding.”
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Home Schooling Growth Draws New Attention, Concern From Establishment

According to a series in the Washington Post, parents choosing to teach their children reading, writing, and 'rithmetic at home rather than sending them to the school down the street is a phenomenon that is worthy of in-depth research and front-page coverage.
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Wolves in Churches

In Acts 20, Luke records a powerful and poignant gathering of the Apostle Paul and elders of the church in Ephesus that took place in the town of Miletus. This would be the final time that Paul met with the leaders of this important congregation. Part of the purpose of this meeting was to give a crucial warning.
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Responding To American Secularization

It’s a topic that’s showing up more and more in books, thought pieces, news outlets, podcasts, and blogs, inside and outside the church: the secularization of America. Pew Research and Gallup (to name a few) have recently highlighted the rise of the “nones” (religiously unaffiliated) across the nation, specifically in the last several years.
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Harvard Researchers: Marriage is Good (Really!)

A recent episode of Dr. Albert Mohler’s “The Briefing” highlighted a study, published in the scientific journal “Global Epidemiology” on the effect of marriage on the physical and emotional health of a group of female nurses. The study, authored by two researchers from Harvard University’s Human Flourishing Program, revealed results that...
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Drag Queen Sunday at a Central Illinois Church

At first glance someone viewing Bloomington, Illinois’ Hope United Methodist Church’s Sunday morning worship service online might chuckle about the 1980s style “big hair” worn by the redheaded woman addressing viewers on April 11. But looks can be deceiving. That particular Sunday was Drag Queen Sunday, and the person speaking was Ms. “Penny Cost,” the drag alter ego of Isaac Simmons, Hope Church’s director of operations.
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