Tag Archives: adoption
Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot
Sound of Hope, produced by Angel Studios, is based on the inspiring, true story of a couple that changed their community through adoption. When Donna and Reverend Martin learned that 70% of children are in the government foster care system through neglect and that the other 30% endured unspeakable horrors, they knew they had to intervene.
Posted in Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture, Media Watch
Tagged adoption, Sound of Hope, The Story of Possum Trot
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Embryo Adoption: A Life-Affirming Option
Since the Alabama Supreme Court ruled on February 16 that frozen embryos should be recognized and protected as unborn children, Democrats have wrongfully alleged that Republicans want to “ban” in vitro fertilization (IVF). Even President Biden made this accusation during the State of the Union address last Thursday. However, this is not true. Republicans are not wanting to ban IVF.
Posted in Marriage/Family/Culture, Sanctity of Life
Tagged adoption, Alabama Supreme Court, babies, Biden, children, Embryo Adoption Awareness Center, families, fertility, In Vitro Fertilization, IVF, mothers, Parents, President Biden, State of the Union
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Biden’s HHS Claims That Those Families Who Don’t Affirm LGBTQ+ Identification are “Unsafe” for Children in Foster Care
The Biden administration’s Department of Health and Human Services Department (HHS) believes that Christians and others who hold traditional, moral values are not “safe” for children in foster care. At the end of September, they released a proposed rule of “safe and appropriate foster care placement requirements.”
Posted in Faith, Federal, Marriage/Family/Culture, Religious Liberty
Tagged adoption, Biden, children, Del Turco, families, foster care, HHS
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The Trinity In Salvation Part 2: The Son’s Purchase
Last week we embarked on a study in Ephesians 1, which so clearly and powerfully shows us how God as a Trinity works out our salvation. God the Father planned and predestined his redeemed for adoption as sons! What a grand and glorious truth that is! And his plan entailed sending his Son, Jesus to carry out the work of redemption.
Posted in Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture, Religious Liberty
Tagged adoption, Apostle Paul, Apostle Peter, atonement, Beloved, Ephesians, forgiveness, grace, Penal Substitutionary Atonement, redemption, salvation, sin, slave, The Trinity In Salvation Part 2: The Son’s Purchase, Trinity
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Ryan Bomberger: Adopted and Loved
Ryan Bomberger, cofounder of The Radiance Foundation calls out the lies about abortion and "race" as he celebrates the beauty of adoption. Ryan is one of those "exceptions" cases that defines the injustice of abortion, yet he was adopted and loved. Life is a precious, precious gift. Whether planned or unplanned, every human life has purpose.
Posted in Sexuality
Tagged Abortion, adoption, Ryan Bomberger, The Radiance Foundation
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The Harbaugh Pledge
In an interview with ESPN last September, Michigan Wolverines Coach Jim Harbaugh (and former Chicago Bear quarterback) openly shared that he tells his family, team, and staff that if any of them is faced with a crisis pregnancy, he and his wife Sarah will adopt that child.
Posted in Sanctity of Life
Tagged adoption, adoption tax credit, crisis pregnancy, Jim Harbaugh, Sarah Harbaugh
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The Shape of Things to Come in the Biden/Never-Trumper Dystopia
Good job, David French, Ed Stetzer, Christianity Today, Lincoln Project, and other assorted Never-Trumpers. The senile, morally corrupt President-Elect of the once great United States of America just nominated a delusional man with a cross-dressing fetish to be the assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services. Now decent people won’t be able to teach their young children about our president's cabinet. With Dr. Richard "Rachel" Devine's appointment will come Big Brother's prohibition of “misgendering” Devine. In other words, Big Brother and his minions will command all Americans to mis-sex the burly Dr. Devine. Not gonna do it. Wouldn’t be prudent.
Posted in Federal
Tagged 1619 Project, adoption, Catholics, Christianity Today, David French, Donald Trump, Ed Stetzer, George Orwell, God, Hillary Clinton, Jill Biden, Joe Biden, Mike Pence, Never-Trumpers, Planned Parenthood, Rachel Devine, Supreme Court, The Equality Act, The Lincoln Project, United States, Wheaton College
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New Federal Rules to End Discrimination Against Faith-Based Child Welfare Providers
The federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has proposed new rules that would end regulations put in place by the Obama Administration that prohibited faith-based child welfare providers from receiving federal funding without abandoning their beliefs.
Posted in Federal
Tagged adoption, Alliance Defending Freedom, Department of Health and Human Services, DHH, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, foster care, Russell Moore, Trump Administration, Zach Pruitt
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Trump Reverses Obama on Faith-Based Foster Care and Adoption
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealed new rules Nov. 1 allowing faith-based providers to continue serving their communities in a manner consistent with their religious beliefs. According to a conference call between Vice President Mike Pence’s office and the media, the Obama rule jeopardized the ability of faith-based providers to continue serving their communities, penalizing them for their deeply held beliefs. It did so by forcing these providers to either place children in the homes of same-sex couples or discontinue care.
Posted in Marriage/Family/Culture, Religious Liberty
Tagged adoption, Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, foster care, Fulton v. Philadelphia, Lori Windham, SCOTUS
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