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Laurie’s Chinwags are podcasts of her articles and are part of our new effort to provide IFI subscribers with another way to access information and ideas. We will be making these podcasts available for her new articles as well as select articles from the past on topics of pressing importance. The primary focus of these podcasts is sexuality, particularly how leftist views of sexuality harm the public good.

Laurie examines the flaws in the specious secular arguments used to normalize homosexuality and “gender” confusion and which confuse, deceive, and even persuade Americans. She looks at how these flawed arguments harm individuals, families, marriage, and education. We call these discussions “chinwags” in the hope that listeners will figuratively chat with Laurie as they listen and later will literally chat with neighbors, co-workers, lawmakers, church leaders, friends, and family members on these topics.


On Monday, there was a looong article in the Chicago Tribune’s business section on Starbucks “unconscious bias” training (which, unless Starbucks’ employees are unconscious at work, should probably be called “subconscious-bias training,” but—to borrow from millennials—whatever). For those sub-rock dwellers...
I was part of an extended Facebook conversation with Chuck Colbert, a homosexual journalist from the Boston area who graduated from Notre Dame University but has renounced his Catholic faith and converted to Reform Judaism. He expressed virtually every...
Dahleen Glanton, columnist for the Chicago Tribune, recently penned a column about homosexuality that began with this ironic statement: “It is painful to acknowledge one’s own intolerance.” Glanton doesn’t say who’s experiencing this pain, but one thing’s for sure: It’s...
As I said in an interview with Elizabeth Economou, who writes for Laura Ingraham’s Lifezette, “The Left likes to think that every belief with which they disagree is a product of social conditioning, never questioning whether their ideology is a...
There’s a troubling piece titled “Time for a Compromise on Transgenderism” posted on National Review online and written by purportedly conservative, “gay vegetarian”  J. J. McCullough. In condescending language, McCullough argues that it’s time for Americans to hop...
Let’s try a little thought experiment: Let’s imagine that now, after legally recognizing intrinsically non-marital same-sex unions as “marriages,” we notice that there remains a unique type of relationship that is identified by the following features: it is composed of...
Our “progressive” Springfield swampsters have found another way to waste the money of taxpayers and the time of bureaucrats in bankrupt, debt-ridden Illinois: a bill to create the Illinois Women & Girls Council sponsored in the Illinois House (HB ...
Want to know who “progressives” in Springfield fear? They fear parents with kids in private schools. The rest of you are merely annoying gadflies to be swatted down with a rolled-up copy of their school sexuality-indoctrination bill and haughty flick...
Full disclosure: I hate roasts of any kind. White House Correspondents’ Dinner gut-busting pasquinade by jokester Michelle Wolf makes it difficult to refrain from being as despicable as she was. First, some of her jokes: READ MORE...
For decades homosexual and “trans” activists have used schools to indoctrinate children with the disordered and destructive “LGBTQ” ideology. Thirteen years ago, the Journal of Gay & Lesbian Issues in Education published an article titled “Trans-Friendly Preschool” by recently ordained...
With each horrific mass killing, “progressives” preach against guns. Again and again, when a man mows down innocent people, liberals put gun-ownership in their sights, which is like looking at the problem of teens who cut themselves and angrily proclaiming...
Reason #__ (oh, heck, I’ve lost count) for grabbing your kids and fleeing public schools: “teachable moments” and out and proud homosexuals in legal but fake marriages. Seeing a big front-page Chicago Tribune photo of 30-year-old homosexual hipster Nathan Etter,...
Here’s something many Illinoisans don’t know about the school sexuality-indoctrination bill created by Illinois’ premier homosexual and “trans” activist organizations: Equality Illinois and the Illinois Safe Schools Alliance (formerly part of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network).* This bill,...
This afternoon, we witnessed again an arrogant Leftist lawmaker demonstrate his disregard for constitutional principles—specifically for the First Amendment’s religious protections and the prohibition of a religious test for holding office. In the U.S. Senate inquisition confirmation hearing for Secretary...
In a stunning display of ignorance, the Illinois State Senate just voted 43-12 in favor of the resolution to adopt the Equal Rights Amendment. What makes this vote even more enraging is that Republicans Pam Althoff (R-Crystal Lake), Jason Barickman...
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