Scientist: Abortion Caused Over 300,000 Additional Breast Cancer Deaths Since Roe v. Wade Decision
Scientist: Abortion Caused Over 300,000 Additional Breast Cancer Deaths Since Roe v. Wade Decision
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Experts privately acknowledge abortion-breast cancer link, but say it’s too political to discuss publicly.

The Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer announced that three experts will be available for interviews to discuss the impact of the abortion-breast cancer (ABC) link on the Roe v. Wade generation during the month of January. Their contact information and their quotes are available below.

Karen Malec, the Coalition’s president, said, “During the last 21 months, four epidemiological studies and one review reported an ABC link. [1-5] One study included National Cancer Institute branch chief  Louise Brinton as co-author. [3] We count nearly 50 published epidemiological studies since 1957 reporting a link. Biological and experimental studies also support it.

“Experts proved in medical journals that nearly all of the roughly 20 studies denying the link are seriously flawed (fraudulent). Like the tobacco-cancer cover-up, these are used to snow women into believing abortion is safe.” [6-16]

Professor Joel Brind and his colleagues reported a “30% greater chance of developing breast cancer” in their 1996 review and meta-analysis of worldwide data. [17] He said recently:

“If we take the overall risk of breast cancer among women to be about 10% (not counting abortion), and raise it by 30%, we get 13% lifetime risk. Using the 50 million abortions since Roe v. Wade figure, we get 1.5 million excess cases of breast cancer. At an average mortality of 20% since 1973, that would mean that legal abortion has resulted in some 300,000 additional deaths due to breast cancer since Roe v. Wade.”

Brind said his estimate excludes deaths from the use of abortion to delay first full term pregnancies – a recognized breast cancer risk.

In 2002, Angela Lanfranchi, MD testified under oath in a California lawsuit against Planned Parenthood that she had private conversations with leading experts who agreed abortion raises breast cancer risk, but they refused to discuss it publicly, saying it was “too political.”

Contact information:

Karen Malec – (847) 421-4000 (Available through January 23 only)

Joel Brind, Ph.D. – (914) 805-9215

Angela Lanfranchi, MD – 1-86-NO-CANCER

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