All Articles : Page 29
When Compassion is Fatal
By Mae Arthur   |   12.05.23
Indi Gregory was a British eight-month-old who died last month after her parents were denied the right to take her to Italy for care, as well as the option to bring her home to die. Sadly, she is only the most recent in an unfortunate string of widely publicized cases of patients in the UK for whom parental rights were overridden or removed “in the best interests of the child.” Each of these cases ended in the death of children.
The Reality of Social Media: Part 1
By Kenna Rose   |   12.04.23
Everyone knows social media has negative effects. It’s the topic of countless articles, films have been made on it, people constantly discuss it, and it’s generally considered a bipartisan issue. Warning cries about social media have been sounded so often that they have become background music, even though it isn’t even 50 years old.
Wolves in Churches
By Calvin Lindstrom   |   12.02.23
In Acts 20, Luke records a powerful and poignant gathering of the Apostle Paul and elders of the church in Ephesus that took place in the town of Miletus. This would be the final time that Paul met with the leaders of this important congregation. Part of the purpose of this meeting was to give a crucial warning.
America’s Idol
By Ecce Verum   |   12.01.23
A few years back, Pew Research Center released a survey on America's religious landscape and found that, over a bit more than a decade, the number of adults professing to be Christians had dropped from 77% to 65%, and the number of "religiously unaffiliated" had risen from 17% to 26%.
The State of Georgia vs. Pastor Steve Lee
“America’s Chaplain,” Steve Lee answers questions about his ongoing story of service, persecution and courage. Hear how he ministered to first responders at incidents like 9-11 and Columbine and why he’s compelled to stand for the truth and not plea to a lie, even if it means facing trials, persecution and prison.
Pastor Doug Wilson: Sanity as Insurrection
By David E. Smith   |   11.30.23
Sanity as Insurrection was the title of the final session of the 2019 Illinois Family Institute Worldview Conference on the “trans” ideology. In this presentation, Pastor Doug Wilson stressed the importance of asking sane questions, —  queries that strike at the heart of the matter, when we engage in debate with our adversaries because “deliberate and premeditated sanity is a challenge to the powers that be.”
The Hebrews Irrevocable Right to the Holy Land
By Dr. Scott Lively   |   11.29.23
In Genesis, God gave irrevocable title to the Holy Land to the Hebrews... There is no ambiguity in this matter. God made a binding, perpetual covenant with the Hebrews giving them eternal title to the Holy Land... No human power can rescind or nullify a deed granted by God.
It is Indoctrination, Not Education
By Thomas Hampson   |   11.28.23
Waterloo High School is in the news again. This time, it is about students from the high school Diversity Club raising money to purchase “chest binders” for transgender boys (who are biological girls) who are transitioning without the knowledge or support of their parents.
10,000 Hours of Education
By Israel Wayne   |   11.27.23
In 2008, in his book Outliers, best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell introduced a new concept into the American psyche. The “10,000-Hour-Rule” suggests that if you wish to truly excel in any field of endeavor, you need to dedicate 10,000 hours of focused and targeted practice, study and development.
Three Biblical Imperatives for Thanksgiving
In three simple commands, the Apostle Paul directs Christians at Thessalonica regarding their relationships with one another. Ever practical, the apostle gave them things not only to start but also to stop.
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