The Gamble Behind the Gamble
By Ecce Verum   |   02.06.24
Online sports gambling has been around for a while, but it has really put the pedal to the floor over the last few years. This is partly because the activity enjoys much more legal leeway now than it has in the past. Only just a few years ago, states were forbidden by federal law from operating or sponsoring sports lotteries, but the Supreme Court struck down that law in the case Murphy v. National Collegiate Athletic Association (2018).
Illinois Youth Survey Warrants Caution
By Ecce Verum   |   02.02.24
Every school has to know at least a little bit about the students it is teaching, and every school has to provide at least something of value to its students. But there's a flipside—in pursuit of these goals, schools should not pry into areas of family life beyond their proper purview. While every family will have slightly different standards about what is appropriate for schools to inquire about or provide for their kids, I think that concerned parents and observers of the education system may soon sound the alarm that schools are becoming too intrusive.
Solving Manufactured Problems?
By Ecce Verum   |   01.27.24
Does it ever seem if the cultural left's calls to action are often aimed at problems that seem—at least somewhat—manufactured? Does it seem almost as if, in a world that isn't run their way, we wouldn't have to face the kinds of issues that they’re trying to fix?
What to do with Generation Z
By Kenna Rose   |   01.23.24
Much of Generation Z is heading into adulthood, and we’re realizing that being an adult is hard, a bit scary, and often unenjoyable. Anxiety and fear are incredibly high among Gen Z-ers, also known as Zoomers. I saw an article last month reporting that 86% of Generation Z has “menu anxiety,” or overwhelming anxiety about eating out. Another article published in November reports that Gen Z is having difficulty adjusting to the demands of a 9-5 work week.
Chicago May Soon Remove Police From Schools
By Ecce Verum   |   01.18.24
At the beginning of January, the news began to buzz with the report of Chicago alderman Nicholas Sposato, who told journalists that the city's school system is looking into removing all police officers from high schools.
What’s at the Root of All This?
By Ecce Verum   |   01.18.24
Ever since we were little, when we'd wander out into our backyards and wish we could fly like the birds overhead, every one of us has had to wrestle with the difference between the way things are and the way we want them to be. We didn't create ourselves; we were born with certain physical characteristics that both empower and limit us. The same is true of our human nature overall.
The Reality of Social Media Part 2: Instagram
By Kenna Rose   |   01.12.24
Even though social media isn’t yet 50 years old, warnings against it have become a bipartisan concern. But, it’s also a huge part of our world used by many people to connect and businesses to engage with their clientele. For parents especially it can be stressful to figure out how to monitor their children’s use of social media, and let’s face it, it can even be difficult for adults. That’s why we are working on a series of articles about social media. Starting with a general overview, and then going more in-depth on popular apps.
Where There’s a Will, There’s an Abortion
By Ecce Verum   |   01.10.24
It's been a year and a half since the Dobbs decision put Roe v. Wade in the dustbin, but abortion is still alive and well in many parts of the U.S. When you are zealously committed to a false conception of rights—and that's being charitable about the motives of abortion providers—you will find any way possible to keep the industry going.
The Transgender Trap, Part 2
By Ecce Verum   |   01.09.24
In part one of this article,, we looked at a brief recently filed by 21 attorneys general from around the country. The attorneys general are urging the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to strike down a commonsense Idaho law that would keep boys out of girls' bathrooms, and among the brief’s signatories is Illinois' own Kwame Raoul. One sentence in the brief stood out in particular, as it compared "transgender" youth to their "cisgender counterparts."
The Downfall of Scholastic Books
By Kenna Rose   |   01.05.24
Stories are powerful and incredibly influential. Almost everyone can point to at least one story, if not more, that have deeply changed the way they think, act, or live. Even without meaning to, we tend to base our perception of reality around the stories we know, love, and tell.
The Transgender Trap, Part 1
By Ecce Verum   |   01.02.24
Illinois, your attorney general is trying to defeat an Idaho law that would keep boys out of girls' bathrooms.
Is Dobbs Pro-Choice?
By Ecce Verum   |   12.30.23
It's been about 18 months since Dobbs was handed down, and I still remember the elation mixed with near-disbelief that I felt when I first heard the news. As with many of the most important memories in life, I even remember where I was when I was told—standing in the dining room of a summer retreat center on a sunny June day.
Dr. Dorothy Tillman: An Example of Homeschool Success
By Kenna Rose   |   12.29.23
Some of the best parts of being homeschooled are the flexibility of your schedule and the ability to tackle subjects at the pace you need. This not only ensures that you understand what you are learning but gives the opportunity to do things that the stringent schedule of a public school doesn’t allow.
Marriage is for the Children
By Ecce Verum   |   12.09.23
Imagine a farmer who only liked planting, and never bothered to harvest anything. Spring after spring he would scatter seed throughout his fields, and crops would grow all summer, but when fall came, he would either mow all his crops down to stubble or simply abandon them to die during the winter.
The Commodification of Children
By Ecce Verum   |   12.07.23
We're in a curious position in this twisted world of ours. It’s like we’ve burned down the baseboards of our house, and then we realized that the rest of the house doesn't match the charred and disintegrating baseboards.
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