Pornography: It Once Affected Thousands, It Now Addicts Millions
By   |   05.14.08
I just turned 54 years of age and my memories of pornography are very vague. The simple fact is when I was in my rambunctious years–which I would say lasted from late adolescence until my late 20’s–pornography was not a...
Parents Should Think Twice — Before ‘Taking Two’
Take-Two Interactive, the parent company of Rockstar Games referring to itself as ‘the purveyors of video gaming pleasure’, has done it again, releasing another video game that contains extreme sexual and violent content. Take-Two is anticipating $400 million in sales...
The High Priestess of the New Age Movement
By David E. Smith   |   04.29.08
When most Americans hear the term “New Age” they might think of a little boutique that sells cotton caftans, CDs of sitar music, and multicolored assortments of crystals. It all seems to point to dubious fashion sense and outdated home...
YouTube: Purveyor of trash and… Truth?
By   |   04.18.08
For years, when talking about the media, what came to mind was television, radio, and movies. Average Americans had few personal opportunities at media exposure through these venues, and the ‘lucky few’ who received their so-called 15 minutes of fame...
Darwin’s Kool-Aid
By   |   04.04.08
A review of “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed” (opening in theaters April 18) April 7, 2008 ( – There’s a shakeup in the cult of neo-Darwinist pseudo-science, and that endearing, monotone high school teacher of “Ferris Bueller” fame is doing the...
Movies with Very Strong Christian Worldviews are Preferred
By David E. Smith   |   03.27.08
A new five-year study of the Top 250 movies at the box office shows that movies with very strong Christian worldviews earn the most money. They even outperform movies with lots of foul language, sex and nudity, according to
Pouch-schoolers be prepared: Horton’s writers don’t like you
By Fran Eaton   |   03.25.08
Beware, home school moms: be notified beforehand that you’ve been typecast into the role of villainess in this weekend’s children’s smash hit “Horton Hears a Who?” Settled down with our three and five year old grandsons Saturday afternoon, I was...
The Media and Environmental Elitism: Can The Rest Of Us Afford It?
By   |   03.07.08
You may or may not have seen the television ad. It goes something like this. A middle-aged father is driving his daughter to school. I’d say the girl is about ten years old or so. Without warning, the stylish little...
Even fewer Americans trust media than just five years ago
By   |   02.06.08
I have been studying media bias for 15 years and one of the favorite statistics I used to quote was that 70 percent of Americans did not trust the dominant media. When I would quote this figure, it had quite...
Jersey Boys — Who Wants it or Needs it?
By Nancy M. Czerwiec, a senior American and former library board trustee We’ve all felt that familiar tug on the heartstrings when we hear those old tunes from younger days. Whether they’re playing on the radio or in a “special...
Sexually Explicit Video Game Capitalizes on ‘Sleaze Factor’
Family News in Focus Mature rating is unlikely to keep kids from the filth. The sexually charged video game Mass Effect is rated “M” for Mature, but that doesn’t mean kids aren’t playing it. It has sold nearly 2 million...
Protest planned at Woodfield Target Saturday morning
NEWS RELEASE, December 10, 2004
CONTACT: IFI: 630-790-8370 GLEN ELLYN-Illinois Family Institute (IFI) today called for a Christmas-season boycott of Target stores, in response to Target’s Scrooge-like ban of Salvation Army bell-ringers at...
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