Hold a Voter Registration Drive at Your Church!
By David E. Smith   |   01.11.24
The process for registering is easy and convenient, but unfortunately, millions of Americans choose not to take the time. Millions of Americans are not registered to vote. Add to that the fact that Barna Research reports that in the last two presidential elections, voter-turnout among self-professing Christians was only 59 percent in 2012 and 61 percent in 2016.
Happy New Year!
By David E. Smith   |   01.01.24
As we begin 2024, we come to you with an overwhelming heart of appreciation. Building upon the work that was done in 2023, we hope and pray that God will use us to have an even bigger impact on the state - for His glory and honor.
Our Challenge Ends at Midnight – TONIGHT!
By David E. Smith   |   12.31.23
We’re almost there! Many of you have given sacrificially, and these donations have been doubled through the generosity of an amazing matching challenge that will double all our donations in December. We cannot begin to tell you how deeply grateful we are to know that you are willing to stand with us. Thank you!
2023 Matching Challenge Update
We’re slowly making progress toward the $150,000 Matching Challenge goal, which will give us $300,000 - a great start to 2024 - thanks to some generous donors! Many of you have given sacrificially, and thank you just doesn't seem enough. The work that IFI does is impossible without you! 
Four Days to Go: Help Us Fight the Good Fight
By David E. Smith   |   12.27.23
Thanks to your generosity we have raised a little more than 70 percent for our End-of-Year Matching Challenge campaign. Donations will be matched dollar for dollar up to $150,000 thanks to several donors who believe in what we do. We have until midnight on Dec. 31st to raise the remaining 30 percent — and hopefully exceed our goal!
2023 End-of-Year Matching Challenge!
By David E. Smith   |   12.14.23
We are pleased to announce that in an effort to help us raise operating funds for 2024, a number of generous donors have offered to match donations to IFI all the way up to $150,000! So between now and the end of the year, you can double the impact of your giving!
Giving Thanks to God for YOU
By Kathy Valente   |   11.18.23
We have much to be thankful for at Illinois Family Institute. God has blessed this ministry through our faithful supporters. We often receive phone calls and email messages from people who tell us how much they appreciate the articles, action alerts, educational workshops, newsletters, Springfield updates and voter guides. We are so grateful for this feedback!
Please Do NOT Miss This Matching Challenge!
By David E. Smith   |   11.04.23
What an incredible night of inspiration and fellowship we enjoyed last night! That kind of event wouldn't have been possible without your prayer covering, the hard work of our staff and the generous support of our corporate and individual sponsors. Suffice it to say that Eric Metaxas was on fire with his humor and in his exhortation to attendees.
IFI Annual Banquet Approaching!
By David E. Smith   |   10.03.23
The largest gathering of Christian conservatives in the Land of Lincoln will take place on Friday, November 3rd at the Bolingbrook Country Club! Join us on this special night to hear from our keynote speaker, the ineffable Eric Metaxas, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Martin Luther, If You Can Keep It, Bonhoeffer, Amazing Grace, and Miracles.
Don’t Miss an Evening With Eric Metaxas!
By Mae Arthur   |   09.21.23
Eric Metaxas is, among other things, a New York Times #1 bestselling author, speaker, host of a nationally-syndicated radio show, and a strong Christian conservative whose wit, clarity, and stubborn optimism make him a much sought-after voice in this cultural moment.
Immigration Tsunami Swallows Illinois, “Refugee Tent Cities” Planned
By Alex Newman   |   09.12.23
The massive wave of illegal immigration coming across the U.S.-Mexico border is hitting Illinois and Chicago particularly hard, with authorities considering a plan to erect giant “refugee” tent cities to handle the influx. More than 1,500 migrants are currently staying in police stations across Chicago and ten times that many are spread across 16 shelters operated by the city.
A Clear Pro-Life Message for Millions to See
By Kathy Valente   |   09.07.23
This is an opportunity to push our culture away from abortion and towards life.  Changing our culture requires bold and clear communication that reaches a large audience.  This is an opportunity to save mothers and babies from abortion.  Many who see these billboards will someday play a role in deciding whether or not they will abort an innocent baby.  
Available: IFI Brochures
By Kathy Valente   |   08.03.23
IFI has a number of topical brochures that you may find beneficial for your family, friends, homeschool co-op, Bible study or, if approved, the church literature rack. There is no charge for these, but you may want to help us cover the cost of shipping.
Defund Planned Parenthood
By Kenna Rose   |   03.03.23
U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) recently introduced H.R. 128, also known as the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2023, to the U.S. House of Representatives. This proposal would restrict the federal funds Planned Parenthood receives for abortion (except in cases of rape or incest or danger to the woman’s life) for one year to redirect $235 million toward community health centers. Currently, 40 representatives have cosponsored the bill.
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The Tragic Consequences Legal Assisted Suicide
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